A Pic of Einstein I Bet You’ve Never Seen
Relatively speaking
Relatively speaking
Real Science Lake Ontario is the only major holdout, and the forecast there is for extreme cold during the next two weeks. more .
KHOU HOUSTON – A fisherman, who suffered a seemingly minor scrape during a Sunday outing on Lake Conroe, has died from an infection of flesh-eating bacteria. Travis Lee Moore, a [Read More]
It’s been dubbed (by me) The Spruce Moose, in honor of our First Lady, Michelle Obama.
There is not one house or apartment in San Francisco currently on the market that is below $220k. Less than 11 percent of the population is between 5 and 20 [Read More]
mlive Detroit police say a man opened fire Friday afternoon at a tax office on the city’s east side and wounded four employees there after he and a female companion [Read More]
With the failure of Mt. Gox and the evaporation of 850,000 bitcoins (estimated loss of $425 million) its time to SELL, SELL, SELL the worthless fictions before you lose your [Read More]
Via Daily Picks and Flicks News Be Funny
Rambling Beach Cat
Big Government As the seemingly endless deluge of negative Obamacare developments continue to mount up, the National Journal’s “Hotline” reported on Thursday that “disapproval of the health care law” has [Read More]
Watch the video at the link and then multiply it by about 5 million and you’ll get a sense of why the participation rate is so low and the “unforeseen [Read More]
I bumped this because it should be seen by everyone, and I mean everyone. I want progs to answer to this. -bfh Publius’ Forum So, according to the Obama administration, [Read More]
Fox News Doug McKelway In politics, the dreaded foot in mouth gaffe is an occupational hazard.The casual statement, the careless snipe, the outdated phrase that bypasses the brain’s “sensitivity” filter [Read More]
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