Part ONE of the Appalachia Documentary – IOTW Report

Part ONE of the Appalachia Documentary

The tail end of this one is fantastic. Two ladies take Peter to a place called The Rebel. It’s an hour into the mountains. No cops. No nothing. Just people at a bar with live music and ATVs. Nobody makes any trouble. It’s another world – a pretty good one.

There is heartbreak in West Virginia. But there is also this…

5 Comments on Part ONE of the Appalachia Documentary

  1. Mountain folk all know each other, are often related, and you’d better BELIEVE they enforce discipline on each other.

    You don’t need cops when everyone knows your name and strangers are considered as threats until proven otherwise.

    And if you cross the line, the guns ain’t for show.

    And up in the hills ain’t no one ever gonna find the bodies.

    Or even know where to look.

    “Once two strangers climbed ol’ Rocky Top
    Lookin’ for a moonshine still
    Strangers ain’t come down from Rocky Top
    Reckon they never will”
    “Rocky Top”, Felice Bryant / Bryant Boudleuaux

    …consider the wisdom in this lighthearted song.

    And the warning.

    ‘shiners have been fighting the Government since the Whiskey Rebellion.
    And it ain’t likely to stop now…

  2. Recently learning that my rural MS county is officially contained within Appalachia helps me understand some of the ways and attitudes of the long time residents.


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