illustr8r reminds us that a Hillary win will mean years of  Hillary Style magazine layouts.
Please, Lord, NO.
Vote Trump, not Rump.
illustr8r reminds us that a Hillary win will mean years of  Hillary Style magazine layouts.
Please, Lord, NO.
Vote Trump, not Rump.
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Every mag will have a fold-out to be able to show her ass. Think of the trees!
Yes, a big fold-out… like a map.
I’d like to see Hillary on the cover of Vermin magazine, crushed dead in a giant rat trap baited with stacks of money.
Figures she’d dress as a Golden Girl.
This got me thinking……whose fashion sense would make a nice magazine cover?
I like the way the Duchess of Cambridge and Taylor Swift dress. They are always tasteful and feminine in their appearance.
KMM – I have to say I never, ever once thought about a map to Hillary’s ass.
Now I gotta go find a bucket!
The B&W stripes are a nice touch. She’ll be trolling us for years with those if she wins, since she can’t troll us sith golf. But I am curious as to how they’ll make the vacuum cleaner bags look chic.
GFY, any male, gay or straight, HAS to want the fashion sense of Melania on the magazine covers.
Those heels would kill her almost as quick as a bucket of water.
They’ll wear out their airbrushes.
@greetingsfromyonkers: Don’t forget the Caitlyn of Jenner.
Pantsuit revolution….how Hillary made them fashionable. Yuck!