“Progressive Democrat” Proposes a Four-State Secession – IOTW Report

“Progressive Democrat” Proposes a Four-State Secession


“It’s not unreasonable to think outside of the box,” [Liz] Kreuger [NY 28th District], chairwoman of the [State] Senate Finance Committee, told the outlet.

In September, Kreuger spoke with City and State New York.com about a four-state secession from the union if Trump won, where New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, and Connecticut would join Canada: More

25 Comments on “Progressive Democrat” Proposes a Four-State Secession

  1. I live in Saskatchewan, the province north of Montana and North Dakota. I would love to see Alberta and Saskatchewan (the 2 oil producing provinces) become 51 and 52 respectively.
    Perhaps we can do a trade?

  2. I’ll have to move and I’ll take my family and friends with me. I call BS, they wouldn’t last long without the Federal Government $upporting their foolish thoughts and habits. And they know it.

  3. Instead of trying to leave unilaterally, why not have all the other states vote on whether to keep them or not? They could petition the Union and seek approval to be spun off, either to Canada or as their own nation and everyone in the Union could have a say on their fate.

  4. No, maybe people in the big blue cities are progressive Democrats, but I doubt many people outside those cities are.

    And who is the danger to democracy when they threaten to take their marbles and go home if they don’t get what they want?

    And should they join Canada, what would they do next October when Pierre Poilievre becomes PM?

  5. Just dissolve the federal government and let thec50 allegedly sovereign states do their own thing. Let’s face it. EVERY election is 50/50. We are AT LEAST 2 nations. The sooner we end this peacefully, the better chance we have of avoiding the massive bloodshed of the INEVITABLE civil War just around the corner. I am a huge supporter of secession. Let’s get it started.

  6. Look at the original Constitution and Bill of Rights that represent America.

    If that doesn’t suit YOU, then move to the shit-hole country of your choice.
    THAT’S what freedom is all about.

  7. Contingent on population balancing. Take off, you library hosers, but relocate conservatives from your states, AND, you take 2 liberals for every conservative you send. win – win

  8. Nowhere in the Constitution of the United States is secession forbidden and the 10th Amendment specifically states, The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people, Dishonest Abe notwithstanding. So, yeah, they can do it.

    That said, I see it as a win-win. We lose tons of Lefties (literally) and the Demos are disembowled by the loss of 4 states while Baby Trudeau gets more mouths to feed.

    PS The offense on which the Civil War started was firing on Fort Sumter. Most Americans at the time the first batch of staes were seceding (December 1860) had the attitude, “Don’t let the door hit ya…”.

  9. As Matter suggested, if they think they can break away and join another country, then the counties of Wastern Oregon can break away and join Idaho.

    I know, it only works when THEY want to do it.

  10. Progs think that they are the elite and want to control everything regardless of what the majority of voters want. Canadians know this and would resent the hell out of upstarts from four US states joining their dominion.

    New York city folks do realize that Canada does not have constitutional protections like we do, don’t they? In particular, their First Amendment rights are iffy at best. Also, a lot of large cities in those states (Vermont is an exception) have burgeoning crime problems, and Canada essentially prohibits private ownership of firearms. Gangbangers must be licking their chops.

    The United States works despite elite progressives and because of our inalienable rights. If they do join Canada, they can’t come back.

  11. Exactly, Wyatt. Just a thought. Canadian are “citizens” of Canada, but the Canadian parliamentary government are probably still subject to the British Crown.

    Not even American left progressives can tolerate an imperialistic democracy. Progressives won’t behave in Canada. They would constantly scream about civil rights they don’t have as expatriates.
    Bet those US states that secede would never become completely part of Canada’s commonwealth. No way Canada would put up with the obstinate and radical behavior.

  12. For pity’s sake – let them go!
    Come to think of it, don’t give em a choice – send em packing – force Canada to accept the maggots or they can form their own country or confederacy or whatever – and take Puerto Rico, Detroit, and Chicago with em.
    They are parasitic anchors on the ass of America – let them be parasitic anchors on the ass of Canada.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  13. So, they want the security of being subjects do they? Well, good news for the Karen crowd: the Empire just took its next step to forced euthanasia…the brain dead are the first to go, the clinically depressed next, so keep posting those weeping videos.

    As stated above, this is a free country. Leave already.

  14. I remember listing to Err America several years ago, and Thom Hartmann, one of the hosts and an avowed socialist, mentioned that he wanted to emigrate to Sweden. Except Sweden wouldn’t let him.

    This lady talks like Canada would welcome these four states. Maybe Vermont, although they also get Bernie Sanders, but not New York, Massachussetts or Connecticut. It’s debatable whether or not most of America wants them – much less Canada.


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