Images from:
1) Marco (Miguel) My daughter’s young cat.
2) Marco (Miguel and Frankie) My daughter’s young cat and her old dog.
3) SNS (Duke)
4) Old Guy (Violet) taking a rest after being chased by Verbena.
5) Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite (Bug) Toy poodle who also goes by the name Stinky Dog.
6) Tim-FJB (Raccoon) Coons asleep.
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.
1-19 Everyone Say Cheese! – Your critters posing for their portraits.
1-26 Wayback Critter Machine from 2018 – No pictures needed.
2-2 What’s That I Smell? – How does your critter act when smelling something? Food they want, food they don’t want, other critter smells on your clothes when you come home, etc.
A wonderful thanks to all who contribute their photos!
It looks like the raccoons got into somebody’s cannabis stash.
Another fine collection!
Another great way to start the week!
Naw, the coons were just waiting for their sunflower seeds and decided to get a few winks.
Thanks, Claudia!
Great way to start the week! Thank you Claudia and your contributors. I hope you all have a blessed new week.
A little bit of sanity in otherwise insane times!
Thanks Claudia!
I love Sunday mornings , cup of coffee and going through big furs critters…always wonderfulllll
Thank you Claudia! And thank you iOTW members for sharing you photos.
Wow! That first one looks professionally done! Great pic, Marco!
…and thanks for putting my guy in again, Lady C. All LOOKS peaceful there but if you zoom in, you can see hes got his eye WIDE open and fixed on me, ready to EXPLODE into action if I disturb his peace juuuuust a little bit more…
They’re all doing what I’d like to do today.
Laze about
It’s always a pleasure to pictures of beautiful Violet.
Thanks Old Guy.
I’m always pleased to find my daughter’s feline and canine featured in Claudia’s Sunday Critters along with all the other critters. Just when we all thought that 2024 was put safely to bed, 2025 has come along like a runaway train destroying everything in its path. We all need a break from the last four years.
So cute…..thanks Claudia!!!!