@amuse CNN is reporting that the David Pekoske the TSA Administrator who put @TulsiGabbard on “Quiet Skies” terrorist watch list has been fired.

@petemuntean The head of the Transportation Security Administration has been FIRED by the Trump administration, multiple sources tell me and @priscialva. In a memo to TSA employees, David Pekoske says he was told “my time as your administrator will end as of noon today.”
Will I ever tire of shouting YES YES YES??? No way. YES YES YES!!!
In cases like this (firings) –
If you’re one of the first, you’re one of the worst!
Rots A Ruk Nimrod!
testicle squeezing assholes, fkoff
Next, get rid of the TSA. All of them. All of it.
Let the airlines and/or airports form their own security.
And all the FedGov TSAs? Well, if the private security won’t hire them, then can always learn to “code” or “dig coal”.
keep checkng granny’s depends, but let sand-****** terrorists walk free
@Woodman – what did we have before TSA? Whatever it is, that will suffice. Every air passenger has ‘9/12 mentality’ – if someone tries to do a 9/11 the entire plane jumps him. So I would feel just fine with pre-TSA.
TSA’s mission is to make us feel safer. Not to make us safer, just for us to think we are. I can get rid of that – and the long lines and X-rays.
Actually, the entire PATRIOT Act is probably unconstitutional anyways.
I no longer fly because of this disorganization; if I can’t drive there, I don’t need to go there.
the tsa “mission” has always been to provide jobs for obama-*******
Eliminating the TSA will put another shadow over the Bush/Cheney RINO presiduncy.
That motherfucker should be put on the same goddamn list. See how he likes it. What a total piece of shit. He allows illegal aliens to fly without ID but bans a political enemy from flying. He’s not to be trusted with the privilege of flying anymore.
It would be very easy to compile a list of all those in government during the Shitpants Administration who did NOT act AGAINST the interests of The People and our nation. From Secretary and democrat elected officials level down to all the many bureaucrats.
Ummm… I haven’t seen anyone.
Scumbag was okay with hiding illegal aliens in airports, sniffing everybody’s shoes, wasting everybody’s time, feeling up grandmothers and confiscating breast milk, while letting whack-jobs get on the tarmac and up in the wheel wells of passenger planes to do god knows what. How many actual “terrorist”plots and boardings in the last twenty years has the TSA thwarted? Time to abolish the TSA and shit-can all of its DEI cretinous thugs.
Before TSA it was the responsibility of every airline to manage security.
Go back to that and fire every TSA agent. Plus, get rid of the rules that don’t let family go with the traveler to sit with them to say goodby at the gate.
^^^^or meet the travelers at the gate, especially elders and children flying alone.
Now cancel his security clearance.
David Pek…what?
To me, he looks just what I think a dope looks like.