Republicans drop 1,000-page report saying FBI is ‘rotted at its core’ – IOTW Report

Republicans drop 1,000-page report saying FBI is ‘rotted at its core’

DMUK: Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee released a 1,000-page report on Friday alleging widespread politicization and misconduct in the FBI.

The damning file said the bureau is ‘rotted at its core,’ manipulated domestic violent extremism statistics for political purposes and downplayed investigations and ‘serious allegations of wrongdoing’ leveled at Hunter Biden.

Republican members of the committee also said whistleblowers have come forward with allegations of ‘rampant corruption, manipulation, and abuse’ and have tried to purge conservative employees. 

The report was created without the help of the Democrats on the committee, which are the majority party, and was released four days before the midterm elections and signals that the GOP will target the bureau if they retake the majority in the House. 

A large part of the report was copies of letters the committee has sent to the FBI and the Biden administration detailing the allegations. 

It details Republican Senator Chuck Grassley’s revelation that agent Tim Thibault as part of a ‘scheme’ to discredit derogatory’ information on President Joe Biden’s son, and caused allegations from the laptop to be ‘falsely’ labelled as ‘disinformation’.

‘The Federal Bureau of Investigation, under the stewardship of Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, is broken,’ the GOP report states. ‘The problem lies not with the majority of front-line agents who serve our country, but with the FBI’s politicized bureaucracy.’ 

The Republicans are calling it ‘the first comprehensive accounting of the FBI’s problems to date, which undermine the FBI’s fundamental law-enforcement mission.’   more

21 Comments on Republicans drop 1,000-page report saying FBI is ‘rotted at its core’

  1. The fib needs to be defunded now! And the front line agents “serving” America are culpable and just as guilty as the leadership. Some of them should probably be hung.

  2. No shit.

    Has been for a long time.

    You’ve done nothing about it even when you’re in power.

    You will do nothing about it even if you regain power.

    This sternly worded letter is a we’ll ever get from you as the country decends into civil war due to your inaction and reaching across to your freinds across the aisle.

    Because most of you are

    A House led by McCarthy and a Senate led by McConnell will do nothing different than Pelosi/Schumer, but it WILL let Democrats blame Republicans for the continuation of the death spiral the Communists have placed us in before the next Presidential election. Dominion will let enough RINOs through for that, but nothing that will alter the trajectory. The objective is to merely shift the blame.

    None of this would have been possible if Republicans stood foursquare against it. Instead they all cowarded in mock fear alongside their freinds the Democrats as the establishment plant they forced on President Trump first ordered an unarmed American patriot to be murdered as an example to us all, the foisted a neurosyphilitic pedophile over us to accelerate the decent from citizen to serf of their putative constituents that ALL of them so crave, and have obstructed every attempt to restore the true President or the representation of half the country ever since even as the United States devolves into another Somolia.

    No, RINOS won’t save us.

    RINOS won’t even TRY.

    Slowing the slide is nice, as is the feeling you get when “your team” wins.

    But both teams share the same showers.

    We’re not getting out of this by voting.

    See the Declaration of Independence for further details.

  3. I hope it was strongly worded, else they won’t get the message. I hope they reminded them to set their clocks back so their early morning raids don’t mix up MSM photo shoots.

  4. Blah, blah, blah, blah. FBI bad. Republicans good. Good for nothing. Lies, misinformation, scare tactics you name it they do it. Criminal investigations as long as it not us.

  5. 2 Chronicles 7:14
    King James Version

    14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    When God promised this, he made clear what the conditions for healing our land were. Don’t expect others to do your part, so that you can benefit from their obedience with no effort of your own. Don’t be a socialist Christian. It doesn’t work that way.

    Keep watch and pray.

  6. Sell the FBI to Elon Musk.
    As an independent entity, outside of government, the new agency won’t be protected by rogue political forces. In other words, it will have to follow the law or face the consequences.

  7. A thousand page letter sounds like a lot of political and mental masturbation that will not lead to anything being fertilized into action.

    I believe anything of the government is now based on thuggery and has little to do with any empowerment from “We the people…”

    We live in clown world with each successive ring being about dictators consolidating power over an increasingly docile and stupid people, who have squandered away their birth rights on “personal iseology” over common good.

    Sorry folks but if we don’t get serious about ending this current demorat regime we are royally and totally fucked. Personal entitlements has been used as a lubricant!

    We are becoming obsolete so sit down, enjoy your popcorn, and sign up for the elephant ride.

  8. Congress? Dispensers of The Purse? Legislators of The Law?

    Chose to vomit up a thousand pages of don’t matter. Because they intend to do something. Later.

    Don’t forget to Vote(TM)! Loyal citizen.

  9. ‘The problem lies not with the majority of front-line agents who serve our country, but with the FBI’s politicized bureaucracy.’

    …that’s odd.

    I don’t remember “I was only follwing orders” as an acceptable defense at Nuremberg…

  10. A large part of the report was copies of letters the committee has sent to the FBI and the Biden administration detailing the allegations.

    Nothing like highlighting your failures by duplicating what’s already been ignored. What the Rino’s lack in spinal fortitude they more than make up for in stupidity.

  11. @SNS November 5, 2022 at 1:39 pm

    > as an acceptable defense

    If you’re going to entertain the lies of the retarded, as being deep, meaningful, and not at all retarded (“I’d believe that story! If somebody told it to me!”), we’ll be here forever.


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