Protect Outdoorjohn from MonkeyPox by refraining from using him as an outdoor John.
I have always called it San FranCRISCO myself.
PJW forgot that Fauci did authorize Tinder hook-ups in April of 2020. You couldn’t determine you were fine with the risk to see your loved ones in hospitals, nursing homes or go to church but hey if you really need to have sex with a stranger go ahead, maybe just keep it to one at a time.
Protect Outdoorjohn from MonkeyPox by refraining from using him as an outdoor John.
I have always called it San FranCRISCO myself.
PJW forgot that Fauci did authorize Tinder hook-ups in April of 2020. You couldn’t determine you were fine with the risk to see your loved ones in hospitals, nursing homes or go to church but hey if you really need to have sex with a stranger go ahead, maybe just keep it to one at a time.
Well shit, if yer gonna start makin sense around here, I’m gonna go home!