Live Science-
Scientists discover enormous reservoir hidden in Cascades — more than twice the amount of water in Lake Mead.
An enormous water reservoir — likely the largest aquifer of its kind in on Earth — sits inside the volcanic rocks of the Oregon Cascades, scientists have revealed.
Now watch how soon California will try to steal all that water for its own use.
So Californicate will build pipelines with GREEN NEW CRAP money so the ELITISTS can leave their sprinkler systems running 24/7 like they did when they had to evacuate from the current fires. They will drain this reservoir in a few years since there is no conservation among this group of people.
Five years before the left destroys it…
California is already on it.
Mar 1, 2017 · Commission to list the Cascades frog (Rana cascadae) as an endangered or threatened species under the California Endangered Species Act. The Cascades frog is a medium sized frog that inhabits lakes, ponds, wet meadows, and streams at moderate to high elevations in the Cascades Range.
So that’s where The Flood waters receded to. 😉
Scientists discover enormous reservoir hidden in Cascades — that residents have know about for ages.
Soooooo… I guess they won’t be building a pipeline to the Great Lakes now…
That was actually someone’s pipe(line) dream a number of years ago.
The fucking shitlibs will be piping that aquifer into the Pacific ocean as fast as they can. Just watch. Of they’ll just make it illegal to tap it for 100 years.
Send gavin newsom, the LA DEI mayor and the LA lesbo fire chiefs to fuck it up.
Maybe a metropolitan area with 10 million people in a semi-arid desert that’s historically prone to wild fires isn’t such a good idea. We should be asking if it’s good idea to rebuild, like all the towns in the flood plain of the Mississippi River. Is it worth the cost?
Geoff the Aardvark: Did you know that water can be prevented from going to California with the addition of a few dikes?