Sen. Schumer releases statement supporting Syria strike – IOTW Report

Sen. Schumer releases statement supporting Syria strike

“Bipartisan Support”



22 Comments on Sen. Schumer releases statement supporting Syria strike

    I can hear it now. “How are those two little aircraft carriers you have working out. Oh wait, the new ones not floating yet, just the 1964 Russian one is active.”

  2. Also, lefties take note. This dinner was held at Mar-a-Lago. So stop whining about Trump’s “vacations” there. He’s working all the time.

  3. @frosteetoes, is your avatar a recent photo of the Clinton ladies? They both look so much more lively than the last time I saw them 😂😂😂

  4. Schumer and Pelosi needed a SQUIRREL! moment so they could wipe the nuke option crap off their heads. Their entire career consisted of Republicans caving on everything, they are lost for the moment.
    Trump rocked the Fake News media on their heels and without that bludgeon, the democrats can’t spook the elephants like they have for decades.

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