Software guy Bill Gates calls Dr. Scott Atlas ‘pseudo-expert’ on viruses – IOTW Report

Software guy Bill Gates calls Dr. Scott Atlas ‘pseudo-expert’ on viruses

World Tribune: Dr. Scott Atlas has a medical degree from the University of Chicago School of Medicine and was chief of neuroradiology at the Stanford University Medical Center from 1998 until 2012.

Bill Gates is a college dropout who founded a software company.

Who seems more qualified to understand the coronavirus? Washington Times columnist Cheryl K. Chumley asked.

Atlas is advising the White House on the coronavirus. He is opposed to lockdowns. That’s all leftists such as Gates needed to know. more

33 Comments on Software guy Bill Gates calls Dr. Scott Atlas ‘pseudo-expert’ on viruses

  1. Effing Gates of Hell couldn’t even keep viruses off his shitty software.
    Why should I listen to him about this virus.
    For the same reason, I won’t listen to this population control eugenicists who claims he wants to “save” me with a vaccine.

  2. Gates’ dream is to create a global economic situation that will lead to 95% of the world population starving to death with preposterous rhetorical veneer slapped on it claiming it was the only way to defeat “climate change”.

  3. The simulationis winking at us…

    Fauci = jaw (talk talk)
    Gates = gatekeeper
    Atlas = world on his shoulders
    Bide n = remain or stay somewhere.(basement)
    Trump = you know, the thing

  4. Brad – he “bought it” from Seattle Computer Products for a measly $25,000. Tim Paterson at SCP had written “86-DOS” to run on their new 8086 CPU card. This was 1979-ish. Tim used to come to Seattle Computer Society meetings back then and put on demo’s of their board and new DOS. He was a great guy. At the point M$hit bought it, M$hit had NO ONE who knew anything about OS’s and they struggled for several years trying to figure out what to do with it, even with their IBM contract.

  5. Tsquared, the cognoscenti used think it was funny to call Ross Perot a “hand grenade with a bad haircut”. Now the true owner of the moniker is calling the shots for them. I hope he falls hard in the next four years.

  6. Gates is the same type as my boss, a high IQ low Wisdom guy who thinks he’s in the same league as actual scientists because he pours over reports. It’s basically narcissism.


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