Stacey Abrams’ ‘Voting Rights’ Group Forced Into Mass Layoffs After Record-Breaking Fine – IOTW Report

Stacey Abrams’ ‘Voting Rights’ Group Forced Into Mass Layoffs After Record-Breaking Fine

Trending Politics-

Fair Fight Action, the voting rights group founded by Stacey Abrams, is facing serious financial difficulties after being hit with a record-breaking fine—an outcome that has led to mass layoffs and internal upheaval. The organization is now struggling to maintain its operations following years of scrutiny over its financial practices.

More than 30 employees at the New Georgia Project, a grassroots group launched by Abrams, were laid off in recent weeks, many with little notice. According to a GoFundMe page set up Wednesday, the organization conducted two rounds of layoffs in December and January, leaving dozens of employees out of work as leadership cited economic challenges and diminished fundraising outside of election years. MORE

16 Comments on Stacey Abrams’ ‘Voting Rights’ Group Forced Into Mass Layoffs After Record-Breaking Fine

  1. “…leaving dozens of employees out of work as leadership cited economic challenges” primarily from having to feed Stacy, which left practically no money for anything else.


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