Sundown Approaches for the Ivanpah Solar Project – IOTW Report

Sundown Approaches for the Ivanpah Solar Project

Daily Caller

One of the most expensive green energy projects ever undertaken in American history looks like it is now on borrowed time after eating up massive amounts of taxpayer dollars and killing thousands of birds.

Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) โ€” a major utility company โ€” announced in January that it is terminating power purchase contracts with the owners of Southwestern Californiaโ€™s Ivanpah Solar Power facility, a massive and unique solar project that received hundreds of millions of subsidy dollars as it launched in 2014. Just over a decade after it started operations, the facility appears to be headed toward its demise after killing thousands of birds because it could not provide the utility sufficiently cheap energy. More

11 Comments on Sundown Approaches for the Ivanpah Solar Project

  1. This plant was built on 6 square miles of public land. Any areas being decommissioned will have to be completely remediated to ensure the land is returned to its original condition. I can’t even imagine how much that’s going to cost. And since solar panels are considered toxic waste, where will all the demolition debris go? It will be interesting to watch this mess unfold. Up next– the Tonopah concentrated solar plan. NV Energy isn’t renewing their PPA, either.

  2. “… it could not provide the utility sufficiently cheap energy.”
    This, in the final analysis, is the essense of ALL “green” energy – it is a scam – a con – a plundering of the tax coffers – as it was intended in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “….after killing thousands of birds because it could not provide the utility sufficiently cheap energy.”…. Wait What?

  4. ^^^^^^
    Since it could not provide the utility with sufficiently cheap energy it sacrificed thousands of birds to Gaia in the hope that the goddess would make all other forms of energy more expensive.

  5. ‘the gas it burned at night to keep itself running was not counted toward its allowance for fossil fuel use’

    Reminds me of the wind turbines in MN, where they have to heat them with gas burners to keep them from freezing up. What a freaking joke. Just another scam to grab tax payer money. More power to Trump if he can end this nonsense.

  6. Pelosi and Scavin Newscum made millions off this scam. The desert tortoise can have his peace back.
    Electricity is unaffordable to most Californians. It is ridiculous and criminal.


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