Texas restaurant chain ordered to pay $2.8M to woman burned by BBQ sauce – IOTW Report

Texas restaurant chain ordered to pay $2.8M to woman burned by BBQ sauce


Genesis Monita, 19, sued Bill Miller Bar-B-Q Enterprises in October 2023 after she had been served sauce that gave her a second-degree burn earlier in the year.

The incident took place in May 2023 when Monita ordered breakfast tacos with barbecue sauce from the restaurant, according to court documents seen by FOX 26 Houston.

19 Comments on Texas restaurant chain ordered to pay $2.8M to woman burned by BBQ sauce

  1. Barbecue sauce on breakfast tacos?

    While I don’t agree with the verdict for the barbecue sauce being hot, the restaurant should have been sued for even offering this combination.

  2. It was a failure to communicate. She wanted barbeque sauce but asked for hot sauce instead, not recognizing the ambiguity of her request.

    Millions for a f’ing blister. Outrageous!

  3. $2.8 million?… JHFC… This is why we can’t have nice things. This is why there are warning labels on everything. Why would it cost $900,000 to treat a limited 2nd degree burn? Why would the assholes on the jury think this was worth anything more than medical costs and time lost from her work?

  4. “After taking the sauce out of the bag, Monita dropped it on her leg because of how hot the container was and sustained a second-degree burn.”

    …how is it THEIR fault you cant tell something is too hot to handle when you’re TOUCHING it?

  5. Looks like Texas has gone Cali on steroids. 2.8 mil for hot sauce. Give me a break. 50 K would be to much.
    I use a smoke a LOT. 225 to 250 degrees. So I handle a lot of stuff in that heat range. I’m not sure 189 degrees would cause that severe of a burn.

  6. “The decision could be appealed.”

    No shit. Don’t start counting the loot with your sausage fingers yet, Genesis.

    And without looking, I’m willing to bet that your thighs generate more heat when you’re walking to the fridge.

  7. I’ve had things spill on me many times in my lifetime and was blistered, never once did I ever think I’m going to sue them for serving me hot food.

    Once years ago I even had a waitress slosh hot ass coffee on me as she walked by my table. It burned the shit out of my arm and I was a little pissed, she apologized, the owner apologized and gave our meal for free and tried to give us several coupons for free meals in the future. I told him, we didn’t need them and were from out of town and probably wouldn’t be back that way for a long time. He insisted and said they were for life. Never used them, but I also never thought about suing them.

    I’ve only sued somebody once in my lifetime and that was because I bought a car that had a problem with the A/C and the car dealer put on the bill of sale that he would repair the A/C when the parts came in. Then he kept putting me off until he claimed he never said he would fix it. Took him to court and it ended up costing him more than it would have as he had a service department. Judge ordered he had to pay a mechanic of my choice, so I took it to the most expensive repair shop in town. Plus he had to pay all of the court costs.
    His dumbass tried to argue to the judge that he took off the cost of the A/C repair of the price(not true) and the judge told him well I guess you should have wrote that instead of you would repair A/C as soon as parts were available. lol

  8. Yeah. Baulderdash. My Keurig has a setting for 190F. Yes, I’ve been scalded by hot water, making a good blister on my lower back. Its an ouch life experience.

    Unless she was a world renowned thigh model I’ll pay for an ice pack and two ibuprofen. All else is off. The “medical”?! Again, $2.75. Not paying for your private charter jet to a Swiss clinic.

    At least the juryaward is big enough to make fighting it worthwhile.

  9. What!? Another McDonald’s “hot coffee” stoopid lawsuit? As was said above, this is why we can’t have nice things.

  10. janitor
    Tuesday, 21 January 2025, 21:04 at 9:04 pm
    I’m confused.

    ‘“She grabbed it from the bag.”

    Okay. And the whole thing went on her thigh and it was a nasty burn. ‘

    …I’ve seen worse.

    And it’s scarcely the restaurant’s fault there is SOOOOO much thigh to burn…

    “Monita pulled into a nearby parking space to eat when the accident occurred. ”

    …which basically means she’s a tax evader, as she ate on their property but NOT in their restaurant. I know people do that all the time, but you’re NOT supposed to…


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