Progressive Loons Determine The Game of Tag To Be Harmful For a Child’s Well-Being – IOTW Report

Progressive Loons Determine The Game of Tag To Be Harmful For a Child’s Well-Being

Fox-  HT/ Illustr8r

“The Mercer Island School District and school teams have recently revisited expectations for student behavior to address student safety. This means while at play, especially during recess and unstructured time, students are expected to keep their hands to themselves. The rationale behind this is to ensure the physical and emotional safety of all students.

“School staffs are working with students in the classroom to ensure that there are many alternative games available at recess and during unsupervised play, so that our kids can still have fun, be with their friends, move their bodies and give their brains a break.”


Doesn’t unsupervised play mean, unsupervised?

Here’s a list of proposed games:

Solitag (I’m it!)

Spin In Your Own Personal Space

Marco Solo

Pin the Blame on Bush

Brush Off Your White Privilege Cooties







28 Comments on Progressive Loons Determine The Game of Tag To Be Harmful For a Child’s Well-Being

  1. You can’t ride Obama’s recovering economy,
    The wheels are square,
    And the illegals are invading.
    Chug, chug, next verse,
    A little bit louder and a little bit worse.

  2. it figures that this comes from Mercer Island, a very wealthy island suburb of Seattle. It must be all that damned liberal guilt. I’m glad I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s and we could play freely anything we wanted to and not worry if we were offending somebody’s else’s easily offended sensibilities. Can you imagine kids playing mumbly peg etc. now. I’m 62 and I survived being a kid back in the days when fun was fun and kids could be kids and for the most part adults stayed out of things especially goody two shoes and other nosy Nates (mostly over protective Moms and some Dads who were just plain grumps, we had a couple of those in my neighborhood) out to destroy fun. The people that are behind this are probably the grown up kids who were picked last or the ones who were picked on because nobody wanted them. Get over it and let kids be kids!

  3. And in the children’s book shelf we, we find titles such as….

    “The little trans gendered train that thought he could, but decided not because instead of trying, it was easier to collect welfare so he could spend more time with his/it’s caboose partner”

  4. Living on the edge with Jarts in the 60’s when you whipped one in the air and missed your great aunt by 6″ sitting in a lawn chair. Dad walks over and says “Ok boys! – Take those over the the park!”

  5. And say, isn’t mercer island where Ann Dunhams family moved to in the mid fifties,before moving to Hawaii as soon as it became a state. Almost as if they have a need to get as far away from America as they could

    Oh, but nothing to see here, folks. Just a typical mid-American family

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