Joe Biden, by the left’s own measure, is responsible for Trump’s assassination attempt.
“I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” Biden said.

The graphic above was blamed for Giffford’s shooting.
Biden is responsible for Trump’s shooting.
It’s not a problem when Dems do it. Because they know they mean it.
This SHIT is well on its way to boiling over.
I suspect when it does ‘boil over’, we’ll find out just where the fuck our military stands.
The next motherfucker that calls Trump “Bone Spurs” is going to get his or her trachea crushed. Our ex-Commander-In-Chief just took a bullet in America’s most important war since WWII.
He deserves a Purple Heart.
The left are genocidal maniacs, so killing anybody in their way means nothing to them. Those bullets may have hit Trump, but they were meant for you and me –
Who wants to be a CIA dupe did the shooting?
BFH: YES on the Purple Heart. And what courage under fire. What a great man PDJT is.
Compare if Clinton was shot – or that cocksucker obama.
Will the Biden administration make good on the “martyr payment” to the shooters family?
BFH’s link above is to POLITICO. If you don’t want to give them any clicks, here’s the key passage in the article:
Joey was engaged in partisan political campaign planning, and I’m pretty sure that SCOTUS would agree that this is private action NOT covered by constitutional immunity.
Throw Joey into the same hell that the J6 political prisoners are locked up in. Let HIM play with real rodent rats for a change and not just DemoRats.
I was just up on Instagram. Libtards are celebrating. I’m done. Next muther fucking Libtard I run into that says something stupid will be eating out of a straw. We can not coexist with THEM. They’ve crossed the line. Permanently.
Mystaclean: Don’t give them any ideas.
It may happen in a “wrongful death” lawsuit, though.
When it’s time Brad, they’re going to learn a new spelling for the word bloodbath.
The Secret Service was in on it:
Shooter was bear crawling across a roof, just outside the venue, with a rifle in his hands. Eyewitness and his friends were screaming at the police and Secret Service for 2 to 3 minutes:
Throw that switch. They will not be able to turn it off. No turning back.
assign the yt-woman-shooter byrd to stand in front of djt @ all public events
I found a link to this X post at the treehouse. Must be seen to be believed.
Trust me.
Shooter was a Chinese national. NY Post
Just viewed a close up of Trump after he got back up. A close up clearly shows a bullet hole in his jacket. Thank God for ballistic vests.
I got word: it’s suspected that the teleprompter saved Trump’s life, because the bullet hit it and fragments richocheed into Trump. Thank God for DEI, or the CIA/Secret Service/FBI plot would have come off fatally.
Did you see the photos of those short fat SS females bozos assigned to Trump’s detail???????????????????????????????????????????????
Great analysis from Infowars:
A: As if you need to ask?
This was the third coup attempt in US history – and the only one that failed.
Hinckley shot Reagon because he was insane. This is a complete utter 2nd coup attempt The first was the election steal in 2020. They are sure that braindead Biden can’t beat Trump in 2024 and they have no one else to run…Point the finger at the Biden’s, Clinton’s, Obama’s, Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff Point the other finger at ALL of the liberal media that labeled Trump Hitler and worse. Round em up and move them out. THIS IS AN INSURRECTION!!!!
Years ago I was at a convention of the National Association of Broadcasters in Las Vegas. President Reagan was going to speak there. The place was sewn up tighter than a drum. Lots of restrictions on where you could go. Snipers on the roofs.
The shooter here was on a roof? Why wasn’t that roof secured?
While there may be something in Denmark, there certainly is something rotten in Washington.
Anonymous: “Did you see the photos of those short fat SS females bozos assigned to Trump’s detail?”
Yeah, the one was waving her gun around pointing it at the crowd. SMH
Validate the 2A, carry! I am.
See Uncle Al’s post earlier. NY The Sun 7/10/2024. Waiting for anyone in the media to blame the Resident in Chief
^^^^^ Believe it or not, FOX just covered this.
Holding my breath for an apology from anyone on the left … NOT
The ‘politico’ article won’t save in the Wayback
so i took photo of my screen if we need one.
All of the MSM talking heads on TV today looked like they were choking down bites of shit sandwiches between news segments. None of them wanted to be reporting this.
I once thought TV journos had to have some acting skills, but these wooden stiffs are all the same leftist character actor reading from the same script every day. And if the script calls for a little empathy for The Other, they are lost and unconvincing.
Enjoy your sandwiches, News Readers. They’re all you’ll be eating for a while.
@ Tony R SATURDAY, 13 JULY 2024, 21:17 AT 9:17 PM.
Her gun was still in the holster, that’s why she couldn’t reholster it.
That is how incompetent these DIE hires are.
I hope no one tries the same with Biden, no need, he’s already dead. But if Obama and his husband are out and about, since they started this, they should be fair game.
^^^Watched it again, that little tubby actually had her gun out of the holster, still incompetent.
I’m thinking Trump just hired X Blackwater types with a few X Mossad types to proof read and over see all future S.S. security plans and replace any DEI hire as an actual body guard.
That’s just a speculation on a hypothesis mind you.