The Platitudinator 9000 – IOTW Report

The Platitudinator 9000

Bill Whittle seems to have hacked into the Kamala Harris programing and has found the source code that operates the Mamala board of this particular unit. The algorithm that defines the function of this artificial intelligence generates what to the unsophisticated ear may seem a “word salad” but is in reality a compilation of the most complex thinking circuits to ever be formed into a silicon-based life form (the Platitudinator starts at the 4:18 mark). Just Listen

11 Comments on The Platitudinator 9000

  1. Harris is too neauseating to listen to, let alone look at.
    Speaking of vomit:

    Hillary Clinton sparks wild 2028 speculation with social media announcement

  2. Well, at least the projected future Klamidia would stick to a consistent theme with minimal malapropisms and mixing of metaphors.

    The one certainty is that she’s talking about [big] banging, of which she is an expert.

  3. Underneath all that hair is a USB-C connector that they download her infirmware!

    Inquiring minds want to know: How long before she’s featured on stage at Chuck E. Cheese with all the other animatronic animals?


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