It’s important people see this, THIS is the real reason California is plagued by fires CA Resident “This is what your forest really looks like. That’s why when there’s a fire, there’s total devastation” It’s not Climate Change, its Governor Gavin Newsom and California Democrats.

A healthy forest is cleared of LIVING trees that are ill and near death. That way they can be harvested and useful for lumber, furniture or firewood before they decay and fall. The US forest service should establish programs where businesses can maintain logging roads through our national forests and cull trees that are approved for harvesting. Any temporary logging roads through a particular area will grow over with brush cover in a matter of a few years and will become great cover for small animals.
Several years ago, the San Bernardino forest was hit with bore beetles who killed thousands of pine trees. This was government land, and no one did anything except let the trees rot. When the forests caught fire, as forests inevitably do, the effects were devastating.
I shoot, a lot, in our National Forrest. I can send you footage all day long that looks just like that. I’m also old enough to remember what our forests looked like when they still logged them. Super clean, no dead lay downs. They looked like parks. Liberals suck.
DemocRAT Designed Destruction.
They put deleterious policies in place disguised with nice sounding lables such as “Evironmental Conservation” or “Gender Affirming Care or Common Core or Inflation Reduction Act, or Eugenics or Progressivism etc, then sit back and watch the inevitable deterioration/destruction happen.
Ft Stewart is currently running their controlled burn in their forests. There is about 3000 acres of forest and the are burning up to 200 acre plots every other day weather permitting.
I’m sure these wild fires are extremely healthy for the endangered Tit Mouse and the Spotted Owl.
Wyatt — You’ve just described what happened in the late 80’s to southern Oregon’s (predominantly) pine stands. The fires were fiercer, harder to knock down and far more devastating than they should have been.
One would think that states with significant forest or scrub lands where wildfires are frequent, would have taken note of the disaster in Yellowstone, where Nat’l Forest geniuses decided to let it burn. We visited there 10 years after that fire and there were enormous areas that had not re-seeded because the prolonged intensity of the fire had sterilized the soil to about a foot and killed the cone seeds. LA is lucky that their fires are not as hot, but the coming rains will wreak havoc on those bare hillsides. Recovering the forest habitat will be a very expensive effort.
@RadioMattM – you had to bring up owls. Bidenministration spending over $1 BILLION to kill half a million barred owls – supposedly to save the spotted owl.
Southern CA certainly different from other forests in that its trees are mostly scrub, not worthwhile to the lumber industry. But when I was a kid they did controlled burns, when the winds were favorable of course. And the Chumash did them as well, a century or two ago.
If they’re National Forests why aren’t they all treated uniformly? I don’t get it. A couple years ago up in The Tahoe National Forest they had a fire that took a couple homes. Residents had a meeting with the local forest service who explained to them all that trash on the floor was the problem. I’ve heard the forest is now super clean. Who has the power over our National Forests?
The FOR REAL real reason everything burned down was because they WANTED it to.
^^^^ Could be.
Cajun Grilled California Condor:
1-2 California Condors 1/4 cup olive or vegetable oil 1/2 cup Creole or Cajun spice rub
Coat the California Condors in the oil, then toss in a bag or plastic container with the spice rub. Let the birds sit in the fridge for at least an hour, and up to a day. When you are ready to cook them, get the grill hot, but leave a cooler spot where there are no coals underneath, Put the California Condors breast side up, on that cool side of the grill for 5 minutes with the grill cover down. Move the birds to one side — you’re searing the wings and legs here — and grill over the hot side of the grill (with the cover up) for 2 minutes, or until the side is nice and browned. Repeat on the other side. Finally, flip the birds so the breast is facing the flame and grill for another 1-2 minutes, or until the breast is nicely browned, with a little char on it. Let the birds rest for 5 minutes before eating.
The peeps in PP might as well have gone through a localized nuclear attack.
They are left wiped out, bewitched, and bewildered.
In sunny California, if you build or buy a house on a slope or in a forest, you may have hell to pay. It you want to buy or build a house that’s both on a slope and in a forest, with a killer view of the Pacific, you’re in for a Darwin Award. Better off buying a 1950’s era 3-BR, 2-bath tract home in the lowlander’s paradise of Garden Grove or Fountain Valley.
@AbigailAdams: we used to go up to a camp in Big Bear a couple of times a year. During the bore beetle epidemic, and for a couple of years after, everyone had the same opinion: “I don’t want to be here when the forest catches fire.” Yet after the inevitable fire, many of the “environmental experts” claimed to be surprised at the devastation.
Thousands of dead pine trees and associated rotting underbrush, and they were surprised?
I respectfully disagree. The only place to get it right is Yellowstone. They quit fucking with nature and started leaving it alone. it then proceeded to burn itself out in chunks and it self managed. Those who desired permanent residence in the woods had to create defensible space or suffer their property given up to God. You simply cannot manage a forest. You have to submit to God’s power and design and give him the glory.
I seem to remember way back when Calipornia stopped controlled burns that were used to save the forests.
It all started in the 1980’s with their idiotic “Save the spotted owl” campaign.
The above picture is accurate, but the real reason is more demonic. We are being attacked and it will continue. Too many examples of homes burned to ash and surrounding trees mostly unaffected.
If you are know Matt Bracken you may be interested in hearing him describe the devastation of the California fires and why rebuilding is not going to happen. At least not in the short term. And it looks like fire is kicking up again.