Joe Biden was put in place as President by the Democratic establishment. He was to play his part as a puppet and do what he was told while the powerbrokers that control the Party pushed through the most radical agenda in American history. Unfortunately, for the boys in the back room, Joe fell apart. He is now transparently incapable of discharging his duties as President. more
This is a good read. And here is their fatal mistake. They allowed the President of the Untied States just enough power to be goated into a debate by the real President. DJT. It’s almost like the actual power structure was so busy destroying the country they weren’t paying attention to what Pres Brain Dead was up to.
You got to give DJT credit. He exposed this shit perfectly and continues to throttle captain brain dead. Beautifully executed.
The crime family has nothing left to sell now that Joe’s influence is gone.
As I’ve said many times.
Joe is their for his signature.
He was installed as Autopen for the NWO agenda.
They cannot let this stop and don’t intend too.
When is EVERYONE going to finally wake up and realize that we are all NOTHING MORE than paying members of the audience watching a puppet show that we desperately need to convince ourselves is NOT a puppet show? The curtain has been pulled back. These clowns are NOT born leaders, doing everything possible to preserve and defend our freedoms. They are ALL mere puppets of the crony capitalists, the banksters, the pharmacidal maniacs, etc. who rob us, murder us, enslave us, etc. while we sit around thinking we are being entertained and “blessed” with their “leadership.” There has NEVER been a better moment to stand up and INSIST that the puppet show END FOREVER. If there was ever a better moment to speak out against ALL GOVERNMENT, I haven’t seen it.
Different Tim – And that is exactly what they will contiue to do no matter what face they decide to stick on their cardboard cut-out of a “President”
As far as the Bidens are concerned they need Joe in office to keep them covered, cuz they’ll all be skidding in their own shit if he’s not there.. especially that Hunter road apple that didn’t fall far from the horse’s ass!!
Time to get another puppet.
Communist regimes fall eventually. Nothing Lady Macbeth “Dr”. Jill can do to slow down her exit from the White House Jan. 2025. Her attempt to keep Dementia Joe in power will crash and burn.
She is as toxic as Hillary, so “Dr”. Jill’s future as a political figure will be shaky and corrupt. However, count on her to try to get a congressional or diplomatic position by hook or crook after she somehow dumps Old Joe.
Edith Wilson had 10 times the brains of this moronic hog Jill.
Queen, my ass. Not even Duke. Not even Jack.
WRECKING BALL BIDEN: destroyer of America.
He was banging her when she was babysitting his kids. When his first wife and daughter were killed when she ran a stop sign and got hit by a truck, Jill swooped in to grab this important politician. She’s been in it for the money and power since day one.
As I see it, Frau Doktor Jilly from Philly can just go back to her old life as a truck stop whore. Not too sure about Hunter though!