Tonight’s Smoothiness by Moe Tom – IOTW Report

Tonight’s Smoothiness by Moe Tom

21 Comments on Tonight’s Smoothiness by Moe Tom

  1. There are no balladeers left, no “western” in “country and western”. Now they’re all just most songs bout drink’in n devorce. Rap with a different beat and southern accent.

  2. I listened to Eddy Arnold’s Cattle Call 1963 LP from 1963 yesterday on Spotify, great music. I can remember my grandfather back in the early 60’s listening to Cattle Call when I was about 10, he liked it a lot and I still like listening to it 50 + years later. The older C&W music is far superior to most of the new so called country music now. I love Hank Snow’s music as well, Hello Love which Garrison Keillor used to open a Prairie Home Companion with is one of my favorites.

  3. There’s messican girls in every city in every state in the country and they breed like messican girls…. and they been taught to agitate free healthcare, free school and free citizenship.

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