Traitor Joe Promises Whopping $770 One-Time Payment to LA Fire Victims – IOTW Report

Traitor Joe Promises Whopping $770 One-Time Payment to LA Fire Victims

26 Comments on Traitor Joe Promises Whopping $770 One-Time Payment to LA Fire Victims

  1. I guess those rich SoCal residents are worth a lot more to old Joe then his voters in Maui. He only offered them $750.00. The similarities are pretty overwhelming between the two disasters. Especially when Newsom says he’s welcoming investors and speculators.

  2. Ha Ha. Traitor Joe is a good one.

    In CA we have Trader Joe stores. They usually have good food and good prices, but you have to hold your nose and get beyond the odor of liberalism and woke-ism that pervades them.

  3. We just jumped to ROKU and are watching the SoCal FOX affiliate. They have a woman city council member saying her constituents are reporting land developers contacting them offering tons of money for their burned out lots. JUST LIKE MAUI. What the hell?

  4. Read this:

    I Live in Pacific Palisades and I Know Who Caused the Fire
    It is prima facie negligence by City leaders

    By James Breslo, January 12, 2025 6:00 pm

    As officials investigate what caused Los Angeles’ devasting fires, I know the answer. It was the homeless. The LA Fire Department reports that 54% of fires in 2023 were started by homeless. They responded to almost 14,000 fires that year alone related to homelessness!

  5. If you think Cali fire management is bad, wait until you hear the secret firefighters can’t reveal…

    FOX11’s Gigi Graciette says that she’s been told by firefighters how often they’re not allowed to admit on camera that a fire was caused by homeless camps because it’s a controversial topic the city government doesn’t want discussed.

  6. I saw this today in the ‘breaking news’ stuff about LA fires. A senior FEMA guy told victims to ignore a letter sent out about the $770. payment because it apparently was inaccurate about all the money they were going to receive. He went on to say that they would also be given $40,000. to tide them over for more permanent housing (rent, etc), and other, more costly, expenses. He emphasized the $40K was (Federal?) grant money that does not need to be repaid. Then he outlined bigger individual outlays of $100,000.00/household? to cover larger expenses, and finally said something about $1,000,000.00 individual loans at 4.4%, interest free for 12 months (principal repayment also pushed out). Then he (or someone on the stage with him) chimed in and said that every victim would be made whole on their losses. In and amongst all this was a statement about paying out the delta between coverage for the uninsured/under-insured and their loss on their homes/cars/businesses/etc.

    Looks and sounds to me that no one in LA is going to feel any pain from any of their bad decisions; from bad management to bad voting.

  7. refuse/resist

    honestly I’d normally pass something like that by and write it off as click bait. But Miles is pretty rock solid. Apparently the Feral Irishman feels the same way. Plus Miles has excellent taste in women.

  8. refuse/resist

    I did. Pretty funny assholes. I guess what I consider worse is our elected so called conservative law makers pushing legislation at the 11th hour they know for a fact has no chance of being signed by captain brain dead. Like abolishing the ATF. Yea, that would be awesome but right now their just wasting tax payer money. Today Nancy Mace challenged some black bitch to a fight out side. This is not the kind of behavior I expect from my elected representatives. That Mullins dude, who did an excellent job with Pete today has challenged multiple persons to fight out in the parking lot in the middle of congressional hearing. I’m one of the most physical guys you’ll ever meet. but I’m also a business man. I can’t imagine resorting to this kind of behavior during any type of business meeting. If you can’t lay waste to them with your mind and need to resort to physical violence than you just lost. I’m really disappointed in Mace right now. what a dumb bitch.

  9. “I’m noticing the small, easily put out fires are along rivers. Homeless encampments, likely.”

    I know you know L.A. Just imagine the toxic mud slides that are on their way. Yikes.

  10. @ AbigailAdams Tuesday, 14 January 2025, 22:43 at 10:43 pm,
    Aaaannnd! In three years we will hear about all of the fraud and abuse that took place in 2025 costing the taxpayers ZILLIONS!

  11. Crackerbaby — ‘Zactly. I don’t have enough fingers and toes to tote up the fraud, waste and abuse we can anticipate. It’ll be just like the Covid relief that is just now burbling to the surface.

    One thing we can count on: All disasters in this country equal a gigantic pay day for pol crooks and their cronies.

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