Trump signs executive order withdrawing from UN Human Rights Council, UNRWA – IOTW Report

Trump signs executive order withdrawing from UN Human Rights Council, UNRWA

PM –

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order removing the United States from the United Nation’s Human Rights Council and the Palestinian refugee group United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA,) as well as reviewing American involvement in UNESCO. The order was signed because of the groups “exhibited deep anti-American bias.”

“So I’ve always felt that the US has tremendous potential,” Trump told reporters. “It’s not living up to that potential right now, it really isn’t. Hasn’t for a long time. more

13 Comments on Trump signs executive order withdrawing from UN Human Rights Council, UNRWA

  1. U.N. squandered any illusions of a “United” nations. It’s a political quagmire and doesn’t appear to be any better in the near or far future.
    EXIT is the best solution, send the U.N. Body to the Hague or the EU.
    Let’s see if the European countries will unite or will they increase their Quagmire and destruction?

  2. … or maybe move the UN to Antarctica.

    It may cause resignations, and get the new people to focus on actually improving lives other than their own.

    I won’t hold my breath though…


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