Trump’s FCC chief has just opened an investigation of NPR and PBS which could result in the loss of taxpayer funding for these outlets. Conservatives are cheering for this. For years now, people on the right have pointed out that National Public Radio functions like a media arm of the Democrat party.
In short, they do not deserve taxpayer funding.
George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley agrees. Even though Turley is a liberal-leaning person who has appeared on NPR in the past, he acknowledges that NPR has become little more than a mouthpiece for the left. more
It’s past time., but it took Pres. Trump to begin the process.
Carve out the heart of PBS/NPR and stomp on it.
Besides that, why am I paying for something I NEVER listen to.
Why in hell are taxpayers financing a damn radio outlet? Seriously. If it can’t survive on its own through public donations (not forced) or advertising it shouldn’t exist. It’s nothing more than the “Tokyo Rose” of Democrats and “woke” leftists. It serves no beneficial purpose whatsoever.
Book notes was a great show in the early 1990s. That was it for me when it turned into nonstop propaganda pumping.
No, 60 years ago was time.
When you think about how long this shit has gone on, it seems the Republicans must have had an invested interest in it.
Which could help explain a LOT of other shit.
Besides the taxpayers dollars pay attention to all the sponsors and philanthropic donors. All commie and/or Lefty’s.
Any incorporated entity covered under the 1A shouldn’t be sucking off the gubmint teat in any way. That includes news agencies, churches, or lobbyists.
NPR and PBS can run the whole operation on the money they make off Sesame Street.
Dont forget to dump Big Bird’s Communist chicken shit.
We could have donw this years ago, but thay corrupt morom and GOPe hack Boehner prevented it.
Don’t just stop funding them; prosecute the principles for fraud and corruption.
negro propaganda & racism
Just do it, enough is enough.