Conservative Treehouse: Speaking at a law enforcement appreciation event on Saturday January 13th, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said he anticipates having a news conference in about a week regarding the investigation into the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. However, according to attending media, “he doesn’t expect the update to include shooter Stephen Paddock’s motive”.

Last Friday a federal judge released more than a dozen search warrant affidavits filed by the FBI in the initial weeks following the Vegas shooting. The judge released the documents in response to a lawsuit filed by a group of media organizations.
The search warrants’ present a snapshot of the evidence investigators were looking into around the first two weeks of October 2017. The shooting took place on Sunday October 1st around 10:00pm (local). Example release below: more here
Laura Loomer is still on the case.
It’s kind of interesting that a Saudi Prince owns the top 5 floors of the Mandalay Bay and right after this shooting the new Saudi Government started locking up and sometimes killing Saudi royalty.
The girl friend was involved
The girl friend was involved and 7 other people .
@MJA were is the girl friend know
What a f–king waste of time, an insult to the public’ intelligence and a big squirrel for the deep state. They’ve had months to concoct a narrative and rig the investigation. Nothing about the motive? Please. Probably nothing about the hinky security guard, either. The hotel is going to get the blame, just like Boeing got the blame for the center wing fuel tank.
Surely this press conference will be chock full of substantive investigation results that answer all of the unanswered questions about the largest mass shooting (and of Conservatives) in history.
I always say that this was a terrorist attack.
The FBI is covering this terrorist attack
The security guard when to Mexico right after that
The girl friend knew everything about what the boyfriend was going to do
And if you were to follow one of a tin foil hat stories (I like them) the Las Vegas outrage started as an assassination attempt on the prince. The prince is now trying to negotiate his release from Saudi officials on corruption charges but due to the US freezing his assets he doesn’t have the 6 billion dollars the Saudis want from him for his freedom. This is great stuff.
He was involved with Muslim. Make he met with them in the Philippines
This situation is very fishy . The girl friend when to the Philippine , he wired money .she knew all along that we and other was going to do this . I told everyone that I know that it’s was a terrorist attack
Her Facebook was deleted. Know the FBI can get a warrant to search for the contact .
How can the FBI don’t know the rest of the people that was involved
There’s a warrant for arrest for a guy by the same name as the security guard that is now supposedly in GTMO. What are the odds?
@ Bad _Brad were cant I find that story
I don’t understand why the police and the FBI let the illegal aliens drive to Mexico? But he claimed that he was injured and he when driving to Mexico
Yes, Africa Bob, what DID happen to that hundred grand that went to P.I.??
I’m looking for it now.
Africa Bob, it’s ok to post 2 sentences in a post.
@Bentknib okay I hope I didn’t offend you.
From africa bob: “@MJA were is the girl friend know”
Do we need this illiterate eight year old here? Somebody send me the IP of this moron and I’ll deal with it. Tired of this dreck on a site like this.
@Lowell sorry you feel that way.
Wow, I think he has as much right to be here as anybody unless management feels otherwise.
You can read the affidavit here:
They are definitely looking at the girlfriend and obtaining email correspondence.
@ Bad_Brad thank you I think the best thing to do is to not comment no more.
Bull shit. You’re fine. Maybe try and condense a little but you contribute good content. Carry on.
Please let me know if you guys don’t want me in this site no more thank you.
27 comments so far. 18 are Africa Bob. It’s ok to consolidate thoughts into a coherent paragraph, Bob. We’ll read it, I promise.
That’s at least 16 more clicks on the site. Revenue.
@Bad_Brad thank you very much . I speak different languages . But I’m a pound America citizens that love America with all my heart.
Bob January 14, 2018 at 9:18 pm
@ Bad_Brad thank you I think the best thing to do is to not comment no more.
Stay, as others have said, post 1 paragraph and not several sentences at a time. It’s kind of difficult for my pea brain to follow it all. You’re okay.
” I speak different languages . But I’m a proud America citizens that love America with all my heart.”
At that’s exactly why you should continue to contribute. I get the feeling you immigrated here. If that’s the case you offer a different perspective than most of the rest of us have to offer.
@ Goldenfoxx okay I appreciate the support that is what I will do only one
Been wanting to ask you a question Africa Bob. LOL
you’re ok Bob … you might want to invest in a better translation program though 😉
Bad_Brad JANUARY 14, 2018 AT 7:46 PM
“It’s kind of interesting that a Saudi Prince owns the top 5 floors of the Mandalay Bay and right after this shooting the new Saudi Government started locking up and sometimes killing Saudi royalty.”
Brad: First part not true; Mandalay Bay is entirely owned by MGM, nobody else owns the top 5 or any other floors. Don’t know about the second part.
As far as I’m concerned anyone that is a proud American is A-OK with me. As long as they agree with me that is.
Tony R
I’m just going off of what Laura Loomer reported.
Interesting that this “Bob” thing came up. I was wondering if perhaps english is not Bob’s first language. He posts like some people text (perhaps twitter?), but the sketchy english not withstanding seems to have given the subject some thought….
“Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell
@ crackerbaby . Deceit?
Bob, the “Deceit” is just a quote. It has nothing to do with you.
To everybody: Bob is cool. He’s not originally from here, but as he stated, he loves America. 😀
Bob: You’re doing fine. Just try to put as much of your comments in one box. 😀
Carry on.
@ MJA my home is America I love it with all my heart. Will defend it with my life, I carry my constitution in my pocket everyday,, and follow the law . Proud America citizen is no other country like this. I work hard and don’t expect nothing free . Thank you
Africa Bob,
You sound (read) a great deal like a guy named Robert from work, who was originally from Poland.
Not implying any disrespect – just some similarities in style and syntax.
Doesn’t really matter, anyway.
izlamo delenda est …
Africa Bob,
Back in high school, a few of us would sneak out at lunch to eat in a small diner owned by a Greek family. The father would ask us question on American history and the Constitution. We usually failed his question barrage. This, mind you, was in an era when they actually taught American history. Pretty embarrassing. But what came roaring through was this man’s love of America.
I assume you were not born here, but your love of this country is unquestioned. I’d rather have a neighbor like you than a natural born lefty citizen.
You have nothing to apologize for nor be embarrassed of.
And, yes, I ended a sentence with a preposition. Sorry Mrs. Schick.
Bob is the type of immigrants we need not these other invaders that want to turn this country into another hell hole
@Anonymous America first all the way. Love my USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Is no other countries like the beautiful America. God bless America and God bless my president trump.
@Anounymous 4:14 pm thank my America