USAID funneled $53M to EcoHealth Alliance & Then There Was COVID – IOTW Report

USAID funneled $53M to EcoHealth Alliance & Then There Was COVID

I S:

USAID funneled $53 million to EcoHealth Alliance, which then used U.S. taxpayer funds to support gain-of-function research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan lab—research that likely led to the creation of COVID-19.

When considering the CIA’s deception regarding COVID-19 origins, one must understand USAID’s long history as a CIA front organization. more

13 Comments on USAID funneled $53M to EcoHealth Alliance & Then There Was COVID

  1. Just saw a clip of Fox with Brett Baker(I thought he lost his job) and some former head of USAID, he was crying how dangerous this was, a bunch of shit about outbreaks of Ebola and malaria around the world.
    So I guess Fox haven’t changed their spots.

  2. If the mastermind(s) behind this insidious Covid scam are ever identified there should be no debate, appeals or questions. Public televised hangings and confiscation of all wealth derived from its promotion. It may sound hard or cold but this was the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated. It’s simply difficult to comprehend the magnitude of such a twisted insane plan.

  3. MJA
    Monday, 3 February 2025, 12:47 at 12:47 pm
    “Yet, still. If you call a pharmacy or a doctor’s office, the recording about covid shots (among others) are still playing while you are on hold.”

    …I was at a Walgreen’s yesterday, with very great leisure to look around the phamacy area while the DEI hire tried to figure out how they lost a prescription they filled without giving it to anyone, and I saw a sign in their murder booth where they, for God knows what reason, offer jabs from the selfsame DEI hires.

    They listed FIVE vaccines they wanted ADULTS to have, including the Coof vaxxx killshot, many that have proven ineffective or allege to combat low-risk problems anyway, but even THAT is just the tip of the iceberg…

    “Vaccines available at Walgreens
    COVID-19 (CoV-2) ›
    Pneumococcal (pneumonia) ›
    Human papillomavirus (HPV) ›
    Hepatitis B ›
    Herpes zoster (shingles) ›
    Meningococcal (meningitis) ›
    Typhoid ›
    Tick-borne encephalitis ›
    Influenza (flu) ›
    Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap) ›
    Hepatitis A and hepatitis B (Hep A/B) ›
    Japanese encephalitis ›
    Monkeypox (Mpox) ›
    Yellow fever ›
    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) ›
    Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) ›
    Hepatitis A ›
    Human papillomavirus (HPV) ›
    Varicella (chickenpox) ›
    Polio ›
    Rabies ›”

    …and just to make it EXTRA lacking in self-awareness, they offer 15% off if you enter the code…wait for it…


    …so go for the shampoo, stay to get laid out by a green-haired face-spiked Gen Zer who becomes disabled at the wrong pronoun!

    …good luck…

  4. SNS-
    Ugh. The endless list of afflictions (some man-made, I assume)

    Why did I just imagine Job sitting on a rock, scraping his boils off with a shingle? lol.

    Anyway, I cannot stand going to pharmacies or doctors’ offices. Not out of fear, but because I feel like I’m reduced to a barcode. The second I tell them I’m IDDM, D57.3 (with symptoms), and low iron, I can see the person’s eyes light up and flash green dollar signs like a slot machine.

  5. BTW, to any docs or nurses out there…

    Do not tell a person who has sickle cell trait that they cannot possibly have symptoms because it’s not ‘full blown.’
    There is a big group of people who would beg to differ. And probably fight you, too. (As long as it’s not very cold outside. lol)

  6. MJA

    I posted this a couple days ago. My daughter in laws a nurse. Big time anti vax. Of any type. They have a three year old daughter. Totally un vaxed, no immunizations. For the hell of it she checked in to see what immunizations and vaxs were required for our Grand daughter to attend public school in Cali. 77 vaxes and immunizations. Including COVID. I can’t believe parents are actually complying with this crap.


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