Washington Post Was Tipped to Art Gallery Vandalism, Helpfully Recorded and Reported It – IOTW Report

Washington Post Was Tipped to Art Gallery Vandalism, Helpfully Recorded and Reported It


Harold Hutchison at the Daily Caller reports on Friday, the Justice Department announced two people were indicted for vandalism at the National Gallery of Art — defacing a case holding the sculpture “Little Dancer” by Edgar Degas — and included this: “Prior to the attack, members of the conspiracy had alerted the Washington Post, and two reporters from the Post recorded and photographed the offense.”

Former New York Times climate reporter Andrew Revkin expressed a little shock that the Post was tipped off to this law-breaking stunt: “Seems a fine line between journalism and PR.” When a leftist shot back “Press get alerted prior to newsworthy events all the time. How do you think things get covered?,” Revkin asked, “Crimes?”


I would have liked to hear a response from the idiot talking about how “newsworthy” events get covered.

11 Comments on Washington Post Was Tipped to Art Gallery Vandalism, Helpfully Recorded and Reported It

  1. From the article,
    “A recent U.N. climate report warned that the world is on track to pass a dangerous temperature threshold within the next 10 years that would result in catastrophic warming that could cause millions of people to die”.

    If it was true that millions would die from a slight increase in temperature Bill Gates, George Soros and Klasu Schwab would all be pushing for an increase in CO2 emissions, gas engines and cow farts.

    What a shitshow fake climate change has caused.

  2. Agit-Prop by the WaPo, shilling for the hateful maggots on the left.

    And this wasn’t a “newsworthy” event – looks like some spoiled rich brats playing at revolutionary.

    They smeared paint on the CASE holding the “Little Dancer.”
    Fucking pukes should have been shot – made martyrs to their cause – whatever it is.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. So, the Washington post knew a crime was going to be committed, but failed to notify the police? That makes them guilty of being accessory to a felony. But think of the great video they got!

  4. This is exactly what the coordinated disappearing the reader comments section in every local newspaper site was all about. It is all about deciding who is able to get their message out and controlling the narrative. They also decide the leader of each and every group will be. I saw it first hand when I was doing advocacy for disabled people. Leaders who arose organically from within the community were frozen out once the movement had achieved critical mass and was an effective advocacy voice. Then, just like that, some shitfinger from within the King/Pierce Democrat machine was suddenly the voice of the movement. They do it every Goddamned time. Then all of a sudden the agenda shifts from focus on the real issue and the energy is harnessed to advance the Democrats’ cause of the day. The movement dissolves and those where there when it was a real movement making a positive difference are left scratching their head and wondering what just happened.

    The media are for the most part pure unadulterated filth. Worse than useless, garbage.

  5. so if a rapist calls WAPO and tells them that he will rape a colleague of theirs and gives the name of said colleague, they will go to the house and record it? just asking where the kine is drawn. Furthermore I’m sick as shit listening to assholes who claim we are just 10 years removed from climate disaster unless we tax ourselves into oblivion and live like North Koreans. Have they ever been right even once? The UN has as much credibility as Hunter Biden claiming he is an artist. This madness won’t stop until people say ENOUGH

  6. JDHasty,
    Been going on for years, on an international scale.
    Desmond Tutu over Zulu Chief Buthelezi?
    Tito over Mihailovic?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. All you need to know about the friggin worthless UN is that the commie Alger Hiss was one of the charter signers for establishing the UN. Nuff said! The United States and NYC need to kick the UN out of the US permanently and then totally disassociate ourselves and our sovereignty from them. And not to get involved in any other pie in the sky, utopian leftist scheme ever again under any circumstances.


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