“Reader’s Critters”
Images from our readers:
1) Bayouwulf (also the featured image)
2) TennDon
3,4) Dee
5) Corky
6) Corky (Roanoke)
7) Sturge
8) Sturge (Casey)
9) Claudia (Cedar Waxwing)
10) Claudia (Ivan)
11) The Rat Fink
12) The Rat Fink (Snickers)
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.
2-2 What’s That I Smell? – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON – How does your critter act when smelling something? Food they want, food they don’t want, other critter smells on your clothes when you come home, etc.
2-9 Happy Valentine’s Day – What do you and your sweet critters get for each other?
2-16 I See Something – Your critters looking at you, another critter, or stalking a prey!
Thank you, contributors!
Was Ivan watching the cedar waxwing when you took his photo?
Awwwwwww …
Love the critters!
Kicks off Sunday so well.
Thanks, Claudia!
Jethro, nope. He did try to catch a Chickadee once, but his favorite prey was mice!
Here, he was trying out for his favorite Olympic Sport … Eating kibbles!
Another good start to the day.
Thanks Ms. C.
Claudia and your contributors, This is always a great way to start the week. I hope you all have a blessed one.
I hope all of the wayback critters are enjoying a long and happy life.
What is about dogs named Snickers? We had a medium sized golden retriever mixed mutt named Snickers who should’ve been a rat fink. He was the most mischievous dog that we ever had, always getting into things. He also hated cats; one time my wife caught him with a white cat in his mouth out by our back fence and yelled at him “Snickers, let go of that damn cat now” and as soon as the cat was let go it took off like greased lightning as fast as it could go. Of all of our 5 dogs he was the most lovable, cantankerous, happy go lucky (sometimes) pain in the ass dog that we ever owned. And the little stinker lived to be about 15 years old. Fortunately, my border collie Kirby gets along very well with his cat buddy and roommate Finn for the most part, they do play together and chase each other but nothing ever happens except for Kirby getting swatted by the cat when he gets carried away and Finn gives him the why and what for treatment to knock it off.
Thanks for Critters! It’s always the first thing I look for on Sundays here
Claudia, Your Ivan was a genuine mouser and that’s a blessing that can’t be taught
Sunday felines and canines and sundry critters are always a welcome diversion even though our time has finally arrived.