Questions for white progressives:
Why should we “brown” America?
Is there a specific reason to “brown” America?
Is it better?
Why can’t it stay predominantly white?
Here’s a strange post by Bloomberg where they lay the blame (too harsh a word?) on the Kennedys and Lyndon Johnson, yet the author and the publication distance themselves from it, saying “it’s a pointless story.”
“If it’s brown, flush it down…”
In grade school during the 60s, I was told that America was a “melting pot.”
Presumably, in coming years this would result in a population of beige people.
But since then, that ideal of assimilation has been replaced by diversity.
Not sure where this will lead, but I will say that diversity is the antithesis of unity, which is the foundation of this Country.
I made the mistake of reading the readers comments with that article, and feel stupider for having done so.
I’m not too concerned. These issues aren’t anything that the inevitable, genocidal, second civil war won’t deal with.
Oh, wait . . . .
What can Brown do for you?……get a damn job you lazy Bastards.
i never thought i would see the day when there would be white anti-white racists
Let’s see…..
The British are hated for “colonialism” for expanding into dark skinned regions like Africa and India, bringing civilized culture and prosperity, but it’s OK for dark skinned people to invade dominantly white Europe and North America, bringing strife, disease and economic disaster? And we are supposed to like it AND pay for it?
Time to buy more ammo….
If hundreds of years of statistics mean anything, then the “browning” of America will lead to the social, intellectual, and moral decline that is inevitable. We will NEVER land on the moon again. The brainpower and drive will be GONE!!! Thanks jesse….
Show me a “brown” country that was inherently better off than America when it was a “white” country.
Yeah … ya can’t … that’s what I thought.
Because…….STFU……that’s why!
We ‘must’ continue to brown America in order to color coordinate with that stupid POS in the WH.
This idea is a Trojan Horse hiding an act of war against western thought; you know, the rise of man from among the cave-dwelling, knuckle-dragging, grunting, illiterate, club-wielding brutes who used to cut off fingers, hands, limbs and even heads of their enemies and then eat them. There is nothing inherently superior with any color of skin. It is the true progression of humanity and the Godly mercies of its developing wisdom that has always been on top and history shows where that development originated and the path it has taken.
I did as well and I’m now looking forward to American Idol.