Army recruitment ad: an LGBTQ parade, a lesbian wedding, and a woman with two moms…
ht/ MFM
Army recruitment ad: an LGBTQ parade, a lesbian wedding, and a woman with two moms…
ht/ MFM
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The “Woke Wankers” are passé,
It’s time to move on, realize the facts and get real….Stop being so damn self-important and stupidly liberal.
Lot of downvotes on the youtube, which is here:
“Lick all you can lick.”
No words.
The only thing they are shattering is faith in our military.
…well, that’s ONE way to convince Muslims that they are charged by A!!ah to kill out soldiers, I guess…
…watch out for those tall prison buildings when you’re taken POW in Muslim lands, guys. And don’t expect “your president” to object to impromptu flight lessons for you there as Muzz is protected class as well, you’ll probably just be reported as a “training accident” and nothing else because, Muzzie feelz…
The US military used to be feared but now it’s the laughing stock of the world.
Gosh. How many fresh recruits are they projecting they will get out of only 2% of the country? Or is the goal not to recruit, but something else? (/s)
Little girl was raised by two birthing people. Cancel her for her unwokness.
Will this recruiting effort affect our war fighting capabilities against Russia and China positively or negatively, or will it make no difference at all?
Someone in charge of such things seems to think it is a good idea, but why do they think it is good?
I can’t and won’t watch, this is not right. I have nothing against queers and freaks individually but when they tell me that I have to accept their perversion and celebrate it that’s where I draw the line. NIdahoCatholic, they’re also called lickalottapusses. One of my supervisors is gay, I have no problem with him since he doesn’t make an issue out of it and I respect him for that.
Why is it in cartoon form?
Quite fitting. The wokesters can’t handle real life.
Imagine the first time one of the new recruits is handed a weapon!
I don’t like queers. Period.
Here’s how the Russians recruit:
We’re in deep doo-doo.
“It begins in California … ”
that’s a shocker.
Unreal, what straight woman would want to join the Army knowingly the Lesbian forces are out to destroy her?
Comments disabled, likes in the high 200s, dislikes nearly at 10K.
To quote Slim Pickins in Blazing Saddles…”WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?”
It went from the ARMY OF ONE
to being the Army of “Are you ONE too?”
The queers are not interested in defending our freedoms and independence. They’re interested primarily in sex, or what they call sex. Their lives are built around that.
Anything foul and disgusting, they’ll do, and then take drugs to try to deal with their depression and guilt.