Virginia Residents Ask School To Overlook Trans Sex Offender Caught Naked In Girls’ Locker Room To Keep Gender Policy.
Daily Caller; Virginia residents are rallying against parents who spoke out about an Arlington Public Schools (APS) District policy that allowed a serial sex offender to watch young girls change in a high school locker room for months.
The transgender proponents called on the district to maintain its policy allowing men to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms if they claim to be transgender after many parents voiced their concerns at a Jan. 30 school board meeting, according to ABC 7 News. Registered sex offender Richard K. Cox was arrested in December 2024 after several people reported a naked man watching women in the changing room of the Arlington Aquatic Center, which shares facilities with Washington Liberty-High School in Arlington, Virginia.
The man claimed to be transgender and had been allowed in the locker room for months despite complaints dating back to September of 2024. more
Yep. I suspected Northern Virginia.
Next time “he’s” caught where “he” doesn’t belong, I hope it’s by citizens with enough backbone and a pair to deliver to “him” the justice that “he” so richly deserves. Maybe even make “him”…….disappear.
Fish and worms gotta eat too, ya know.
Just issue bowie knives and kerosene to all the lockers and let the girls assist him in his transition. We castrated pigs that way in FFA
If you haven’t opened the article you should just to get a look at Richard T Cox.
“He’s been allowed inside the girls locker room for months.” Why? He’s a middle aged freak of the week. What’s he even doing on campus. So the school board and the fans of the LGBQ whatever have turned the girls locker room into a peep show for freaks? Are you kidding me? If parents let their daughters be subjected to this bull shit they deserve what they get. Put an end to it.
I live in Fairfax County and can attest to the fact that the Northern Virginia region has been over-run with bat-sh*t crazy liberals. And to certify their bonifides, they constantly try to out-bat-shit each other until reality is not longer recognizable.
I’ve ended many discussion with asking “do you really believe that, or is it just this week’s catechism?” before walking away.
No one is going to comment on the fact that the dude is named DICK COX?!?
The good news is that Trump signed an EO today firming up Title IX to keep males out of girls sports. Withholding money tends to have a pretty powerful influence.
My oldest granddaughter getting ready for the guy in the top frame. I assume that’s Dick Cocks.
The pervert tranny’s name – Richard (Dick) Cox.
Yeah OK. Except he had his chopped off. What Tranny doctors do with these discarded dicks is a mystery to me and it can remain a mystery.
Maybe they Dick Cox oysters out of them sort of like Rocky Mountain oysters and eat them. YUMMY, NOT!
Aaaaaand our RINO governor continues to do nothing about it 🤬
“Τһе gοοd nеwѕ іѕ tһаt Τrumр ѕіgnеd аn ΕΟ tοdау fіrmіng uр Τіtlе ΙΧ tο kеер mаlеѕ οut οf gіrlѕ ѕрοrtѕ.” -Lеft Сοаѕt Dаn
Ηе wаѕ ѕurrοundеd bу уοung wοmеn аnd dіdn’t grοре οr ѕnіff а ѕіnglе οnе.
Hypothetically speaking an axe would resolve the issue swiftly.
Northern VA, the same people who work at the FBI protesting Trump
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
I would hope everyone and anyone who signed on to that is under investigation for child sexual exploitation and/or grooming.
It used to be that a young lady’s relatives and friends would arrange for a ‘counseling’ session with the pervert, to show him the errors of his ways.
“Sadly, sexual predators exist and it will probably happen again,” one Arlington resident stated at the meeting. “There is not many things we can do to stop it.”
“I also encourage you not to backpedal on our supportive policies,” another said.
These people are dangerous!
Bad_Brad, and her sweet little smile at the end. 🤣
Conservative Cowgirl
When the mother of my grand daughter and my son first met she was a permanent fixture at our home. Me and wifey immediately loved her. One evening I came home from a ruff day at work and unclipped the ITWB holster on a 1911, dropped the hammer and laid it on the kitchen counter. She wondered over and picked that thing up and asked, is this a real gun? With her finger on the trigger. I calmly took it away from her a told her this week end we’re going shooting. Which we did. My son didn’t come along. Go figure. Neither one of my boys are gun nuts. My daughter is. I blame their mom. LOL. Back to my fav DL. She now has her Concealed Carry permit. Carries a G19 where ever she goes, and her and I shoot about once a month while my son baby sits. She’s pretty damn good with a pistol.
sk dk, faggot-lovers
school gals might do well with a supply of mace & chlorox spray bottles for rapid applcation
application, doggoneit