11-year-olds attend conference where Farrakhan calls for violence in response to Ferguson – IOTW Report

11-year-olds attend conference where Farrakhan calls for violence in response to Ferguson


EAG News—BALTIMORE – “At the end of the day… it’s about how we connect to our youth and help develop them to become our future,” says Anthony Pena, a Booker T. Washington Middle School administrator who took more than forty students between the ages of 11 and 15 to a conference on reparations for African Americans.


12 Comments on 11-year-olds attend conference where Farrakhan calls for violence in response to Ferguson

  1. Calypso Louie understands the advantages of early hate inculcation –
    “The white man is our mortal enemy, and we can not accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman, or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years.” – Louis Farrakhan , In a comments made to a City College audience

  2. “Re-Claim, Re-Pair, Re-Form, Re-Produce, – REPARATIONS NOW!”

    Repair must mean fixing all the damage they cause when they go out free-shopping & igniting. But what exactly are Africans going to reclaim? I would love to see them reclaim Africa, since Africa always comes before America with that tribe.

  3. Notice that the article started with a phrase that was banned here last night.
    Totally despicable situation, I would ask where are the parents but we already know the answer to that.

  4. So farrakhan founded the nation of islam rag, final call, in the 1930’s. This must give new meaning to the term ‘red diaper communist’ since he was born in 1933.
    $10 Trillion in reparations, lotsa luck wid dat.

  5. They’ve already spent their ‘reparations’ in ObamaPhones, EBT cards, Section 8, WIC, prison food, and welfare.

    MUCH more than $10 Trillion … fuck em.

    Without whitey, the MauMaus would still be dashing each other’s heads against rocks and eating their brains.

  6. More reparations, on top of what this country already flushed down the toilet funding Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society”. Go look at Detroit if you want to see what past reparations have yielded. Go look closely at the sub-prime mortgage fiasco to find even more that amounts to little more than reparations via fraudulent mortgages.

    A key maxim of Progressivism is that there will never, ever be “enough”.

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