Russell Brand Freaks Out When Confronted by Reporter on His Wealth – IOTW Report

Russell Brand Freaks Out When Confronted by Reporter on His Wealth

SooperMexican reports: Russell Brand, scummy idiot leader of other scummy idiots, is all angry that a U.S. company is trying to make profit from its own property, so they’re demanding London’s mayor force a company to lose money. When a reporter pointed out that it was kinda hypocritical since Brand living in London also brings up property values, he got very angry and irrational. Well, moreso than usual.

28 Comments on Russell Brand Freaks Out When Confronted by Reporter on His Wealth

  1. The double standard is lost on these ‘do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do’ people. It punctures their little bubble and they don’t like it. It is likely that they have been made to feel guilty inside by their peers for their success and don’t know how to handle being confronted with the truth.

  2. His communist attitude also showed its ugly face when he told the reporter it was “his duty” (“dew-tay” lol) to report on the side of the story which he and the protesters want the public to hear. A good leftist hypocrite only wants the media for disseminating propaganda. He seems really stupid, too.

  3. I know who Neville Brand is but Russell Brand who is he and I could care less. I must not be hip or up on worthless pop culture which is a good thing. And I liked Russell Brand with his gruff, gravelly voice playing heavies (also Claude Akins) and bad guys in older movies and TV shows from the 50’s and 60’s.

    Wealthwise, Russell Brand is loaded, all deliberate dirtiness aside, as is his armed security detail when in use. Talk on his terms, IOW give him a platform to spew.

    There’re a whole lot of celeb hypocrites, sporting an ass wiped chic everywhere, then being chauffered away at knock-off time to cozy luxury. Now back to the dream of obliterating societal inequity.

  5. Brand is a socialist (borderline communist) who wants to redistribute all wealth (presumably that does not include his own), a heroin and other drug addict, a person with rage control issues who has had good lawyers and a big checkbook that has kept him from a criminal record. He truly dislikes most of the US yet still goes there to make a few movies and pick up a big check, the lind of which he can no longer get in Britain. In short, a jet-setting, drug addicted, socialism for all(but me, (where’s the GUM store?), low talent, douchebag, hypocritical Eurotrash waste of skin. The sooner he gets a criminal felony record and gets barred from the US the better off you’ll be.

  6. what is Russell Brand famous for? Or is he just taking up oxygen like the do-nothing Kardashians? Really, other than being a FILTHY longhaired hippy Cro-Magnon asshole, what the fuck is up with this self-important self-righteous sonofabitch?

  7. Russell Brand’s sole accomplishment in life was to marry Katy Perry, and thus ruin her for any other normal male, forever. I don’t think she realizes that yet (she will, someday, even if only in private), but she did have the scrap of sense left to divorce him. So there’s that.

  8. Oh how great it would be, if the press would WAKE UP. Ignore the pompous, spoiled jackass. No more attempts at interviews. Shunning is such a great device against a talentless loser who misbehaves just to get attention.

  9. Get Him to the Greek was funny and actually paralleled this little brouhaha.

    He played a self-absorbed rock singer (quite a stretch) who did a “Help Africa” type album that bombed and sent him into a hilariously spiraling drug abuse.

    Quote his movie wife “He’s never been to Africa but he’s really, really passionate about it. And possibly even going there one day.”

    This is one of those life imitating art imitating life type things.

  10. Russell Brand living in London brings UP property values? Really? Because I would think it would do the opposite. He’s never done anything remotely worthy of the attention he gets.

  11. Russell Brand is the male version of Sarah Silverman – a disgusting, loud mouth cretin, comedian/actor/activist/whatever.
    @scr_north, LOL! You summed it up nicely.

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