Black Millennials Turning On Obama – IOTW Report

16 Comments on Black Millennials Turning On Obama

  1. They’re complaining he hasn’t been Marxist enough, that he proselytized black males being better fathers too much. This is a radicalized, communist, wastoid generation, devoid of any common sense or shared morality with foundations of the Republic.

    Generation O they call themselves. More like Generation M.

    Generation Moron, Generation Marxist, take your pick.

  2. It’s amazingly sad how the black Americans have been brainwashed, suckered, used, patronized, infantilized and manipulated for so many decades now.

    They are fools, and it is an amazingly effective job that has been done on them. Anyone among their own kind who wakes up and points out the problems are themselves denigrated.

    But, feeling sad for them is as far as it need go, we’ve proven that shoving trillions down their throats does nothing to pull them out of the ghetto.

    They need cut off, let the ghettos burn. The survivors can start over, sans welfare.

    What, too harsh?

  3. @Frank Parnell gets it.
    The headline is misleading…they are not TURNING on him.

    They are disappointed in him for being too ‘tepid’.
    “Newkirk pinpoints black millennials’ disappointment growing out of Obama’s repetitive calls for black men to be better husbands and fathers — “a strain of thought that many young black people are rejecting” — and more recently, his “tepid comments” calling for peaceful protests following the Ferguson verdict.”

    IOW, he’s a big pussy.

  4. The only shining example left out was islam or farrakhan (or however he spells it).

    Not one word on whatever it is they are trying to accomplish for themselves or their “community.” Just aimless dreams of protesting.

  5. What? Affirmative Action, “My People” Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card, multiple ObamaPhones, can’t-be-racist, race-card, black-card, Section-8, EBT, Reverends-don’t-pay taxes, ain’t nobody got time fo’dat, etc. ain’t enough?

    I don’t know, something about give them an inch and they’ll burn down the neighborhood?

    I guess they were given too many inches…

  6. Just think, the 6 years you sat on your butts awaiting the world to fall at your feet, by listening to and following the pied piper OBAMA to hell, you could have had a college education!!!

    What a waste. But you chose it, enjoy the new OBAMA slavery to which you sold your soul.

    OR, you can kick off the Obama and “community leaders'”stench, roll your sleeves up and join people who really want you to have the freedom to build your life as YOU want it.

    Conservatives are only conservative in wanting LIMITED government interference and wanting public employees, including the president and congress, to remember WHO PAYS THEIR SALARIES!

    Join us in reclaiming the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

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