Jeb Bush: ‘I’ve Lost Patience’ with Common Core Complaints – IOTW Report

Jeb Bush: ‘I’ve Lost Patience’ with Common Core Complaints

Aww look, now you’ve gone and upset him.
You people need to stop arguing with Jeb. He keeps telling you that he’s right about everything and he knows what’s best for you, but you just don’t listen!

Read about his bitching and whining at Truth Revolt.

29 Comments on Jeb Bush: ‘I’ve Lost Patience’ with Common Core Complaints

  1. “Lost patience” must be his version of “we can’t wait.”

    Heil, heil. *yawn*

    If I had his address, I’d mail him an application for membership in the Democrat’s Party.

    Oh yes, and tell him to F*CK OFF ONCE AND FOR ALL.

  2. Considering the democrats before him and Flipflop Charlie after him, he was a good Governor.
    Interestingly, in the recent Governor race, he had an ad where he was putting down Flipflop Charlie as being in it for himself, not because of service to the state.

    That being said, no, I don’t want him to run for Predident.

  3. RE: my above post
    The key words in his ad for Gov Rick Scott running against Flipflop Charlie: two types of politicians – those running for personal ambition and those looking for results.
    Too bad he doesn’t listen to mommy and, apparently doesn’t even listen to his own scripted words. At the time this came out, I thought it was a great contrast between opportunist Flipflop Charlie and our Governor Rick Scott, who funded his own campaign and collects a dollar a month salary. Obviously Governor Scott isn’t in it for the money.
    Hmm, I wonder if that old campaign ad could come back to haunt Jojn Ellis Bush a/k/a JEB.

  4. Jeb is exactly the kind of gooey, squishy, amorphous, unprincipled, malleable, blow-with-the-wind, look-the-other-way-while-we-steal, sort of politician vaunted by the Republicrats.

  5. JEB is about 6’5″ and 100# overweight.
    Christie is about 5’5″ and (now) about 100# overweight.
    Can you see where the ‘RATs would take those facts?
    Can you picture them side by side?
    Laurel & Hardy vs. Tweedledee & Tweedledum.

  6. Boobie,
    In my earlier live as a state employee, I was in a mad rush to make a filing deadline at the Department of State (before they accepted electronic submissions) – running out of the FDOT building, I almost ran into the Governor as he was coming in. Indeed, he looked big when viewed in that blinding blur as I made my run.

  7. Jebbie wants everyone to shut up about his cash cow. Every one of those commie core tests costs a school district $30. They’re designed for a high failure rate, i.e., school districts will have to “buy” more for the re-tests.

    Jebbie was a former board member of one of the textbook companies that got in on this deal. His name is no longer on stuff, but he’s still invested.

    This One-World PoS is as slimy in his own way as any dem.

  8. Excuse me!!’ You seem to forget your job as President, a representative of the people who elect you, will be to LISTEN. If you are hearing a lot MORE. complaints than pros for COMMUNIST Core, that means the MAJORITY don’t want it, no matter WHAT YOU WANT!!!

    You lost my vote, since when we get rid of a jackass, we certainly don’t want another!

  9. G.W. ? Really?

    He was forced on Reagan. He was not a real conservative and in fact wished for stringent gun control, among other things.

    He was the very first politician I heard publicly claim a New World Order was at hand. Grr.

    He is a part of the whole push for it, Jeb is just the next face of it. That’s why Jeb is sounding more like a Dem in today’s light – because our eyes are opened up just a bit. They weren’t open so much back in the 80’s and 90’s. Nothing’s changed but that.

    So I don’t think so, Tom. He can take his NWO heart and go find a pasture to spend his last days in.

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