Common Core will cost California school districts 1 billion dollars every year but the school districts don’t want to pay for it.
A rather expensive development has surfaced on the way to installing Common Core in California’s hundreds of school districts statewide. Officials have figured out that the big government initiative could collectively cost districts $1 billion every year to set up a new statewide testing system supporting the new curriculum.
The question is, who’s going to pay for it? According to the Santa Ana School District, the state, not the district, should foot the bill. Santa Ana along with three other school districts submitted a class action complaint, demanding that California pay for the “next generation” Smarter Balanced Assessments based on national Common Core standards.
The Orange County Register reported that the Santa Ana Unified school district, which consists of 57,000 students, projects $12 million in district costs pertaining to the Common Core tests, which includes $8.1 million for devices, $3.3 million for bandwidth and infrastructure, plus other significant outlays for accessories and training.
Common Core is going to cost much more than $1 billion. The costs to society of raising at least one generation of idiots is incalculable.
The underlying purpose of Prussian schooling and Common Core is to render the populace “manageable”
This system must be overturned, even if only within your own family.
– John Taylor Gatto
File this one under:
Reality head-butts Liberal Utopia!
Just wait ’till there ain’t no mo Other People’s Money!
Save that billion plus another billion by taking math out of the curriculum altogether. Same result either way.
Go ahead, waste the money. What the hell, Kalifornia’s already bankrupt to the tune of a few hundred billion, what’s another couple billion among friends? Teachers who are going to lose upwards of 80% of their retirements are behind commie core? WTF is wrong with those people? Why aren’t they out there raising hell?
Leftist fascist bullet train to hell.
ROTFLMFAO! What difference will it make if the districts pay for it (property taxes will go up) or the state pays for it (sales and payroll taxes will go up). Or the money will be borrowed. Under any scenario, Californians who work for a living will be left holdong the bag.
The problem with Californian is that they think like New Yorkers.
/ I resemble that remark!
they should get the bullet train ready to take all the illegal beaners back to border ..
i always chuckle when my California friends say….yeah, but…the weather is nice