An Old Complaint Letter – IOTW Report

An Old Complaint Letter

Babylonian complaint letter

Wow. You have to really be pissed off to take that much time to chisel a letter of complaint to customer service.

via I have seen the whole of the internet


10 Comments on An Old Complaint Letter

  1. I think I saw this made on a ‘Flintstone’ episode. The one were Fred & Barney were trying to score free games at the Bedrock Bowling Alley

    On another note: In the name of cultural harmony ISIS says they will be happy to smash it to bits

  2. The post office finally get around to delivering it? Sure glad it was not someone’s prescription from obysmalcare or notice of subsidy amount entitled to…

  3. Watched a guy demonstrate cuneiform writing once and he was amazingly fast. How boring must your life be when you spend the time to learn to read and write a dead language? Who would you write to? Another bored person, literate in ancient Babylonian?

    One notch above the geeks who study Klingon, although the story of creation & the flood have been found on these tablets.

    Tim’s right – it’s done on soft clay with a stylus.

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