‘I am going to stab a b!tch’ – IOTW Report

‘I am going to stab a b!tch’

Liberal journalist discovers the joys of Obamacare.

Get some popcorn.

movie and popcorn

h/t Leonard.

14 Comments on ‘I am going to stab a b!tch’

  1. That poor child, all she wants is for someone to take care of her. Is that too much to ask? Oh the humanity. I think I’ll go to the back 40 and fire off a couple sticks of dynamite, that and a couple beers should do the trick.

  2. “When do we get a single payer system?”

    This ditz is dumber than dirt!

    Think you’re gettin fukt now?

    “You ain’t seen nothin, yet!
    B-b-b-b-baby, ya ain’t seen nothin, yet!”

  3. The dopey bitch doesn’t realize she HAS healthcare–it’s the insurance she’s being screwed out of. Too much Kool-aid in the drinking fountains there at National People’s Radio.

  4. If this is how they treat one of their own, imagine how bad it must be for folks that have joined a Tea Party group that the IRS is messing with.

    The faster we get rid of this monstrosity the faster the free market can find a better alternative.

  5. That Tax Credit seems to be a big deal to her.

    She needs to tell me, “Thank you Lowell” for me paying for part of her health care.

    I think she really fuckin’ needs to do that. I wasn’t asked to pay for part of her health care. It was taken from me.

    Can this person vote in national elections? If so, why? She has demonstrated she doesn’t even have the wherewithal to provide for her own needs. This indicates a custodial arrangement.

    And her vote counts equal to mine?

    Could someone explain that to me?

  6. Wait….what? She is a NPR journalister and she gets subsidized insurance? NPR can’t pay her a living wage and give her free dental and healthcare? NPR IS the government!

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  7. Still on hold with @C4HCO. It’s been almost an hour. Extremely frustrated. When do we get a single payer system? #cohealth

    — Laura Krantz (@krantzlm) February 27, 2015″

    There is the money quote about socialism, especially Obamacare! Oh and if she thinks single-payer will be any better, let her go to this site and see how the Cuban health care system really works!

    Oh Whoops! That site is an educational site I go to for cultural enrichment. I meant to point here to this site! Sorry about the confusion.

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