Brothel Offers to Host Harry Reid’s Retirement Party as Thanks for ObamaCare – IOTW Report

Brothel Offers to Host Harry Reid’s Retirement Party as Thanks for ObamaCare

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Washington D.C. is often compared to a whorehouse and Harry Reid has certainly done his part to prostitute his office to China and anyone paying the bills. It’s only appropriate that he accept this brothel’s offer to host his retirement party there. (Las Vegas Sun)

The brothel authored a letter to Reid, writing that its “legal prostitutes”, a term that could apply equally to its hookers as to Reid, wanted to thank him for ObamaCare.


10 Comments on Brothel Offers to Host Harry Reid’s Retirement Party as Thanks for ObamaCare

  1. he must be good at sex because he has been f’n the citizens for a long time and they seemed to enjoy it. they kept sending him back to do it over and over again.

    it upsets the f out of me that my fellow citizens would elect and reelect this piece of shit and all the others.

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