Bikram yoga founder accused of sexual assault: ‘Women loves me’ – IOTW Report

Bikram yoga founder accused of sexual assault: ‘Women loves me’


Bikram Choudhury says his yoga routine isn’t the only thing that’s hot.

bikram yoga

The founder of Bikram yoga said allegations that he sexually assaulted six of his students are ridiculous because he can get any woman he wants.

“Women likes me. Women loves me,” Choudhury, 69,told CNN.

“So if I really wanted to involve the women, I don’t have to assault the women.”

The man who pioneered practicing yoga in a room heated to 105 degrees was speaking out for the first time since he was hit with the lawsuits that threaten his international empire.


7 Comments on Bikram yoga founder accused of sexual assault: ‘Women loves me’

  1. Look at that pussy on the floor. If some fag in a banana hammock tried to stand on me like that I’d shove his dirty bare foot so far up his ass that he could chew on his toe nails. If you wanna deal with your inner being, join a boxing gym or take up ju-jitsu, that’s how you let the steam out, or go to the gun range and blow off some 50 cal rounds.

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