The Peace Prize for John Kerry? – IOTW Report

The Peace Prize for John Kerry?

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry reacts during the chairman's debate at the 51st Munich Security Conference in Munich

LOL! They’ll give those to anybody nowadays.

If a deal is reached and Iran’s nuclear program is blocked, Pollack added, “I think Kerry will get an enormous amount of credit for pulling it off. He will be in line for a Nobel Peace Prize. … He could go down in history books as being a monumentally important character, like Jimmy Carter with Camp David.”

But, Pollack stressed, there is a flip side: “He could go down as Neville Chamberlain at Munich. Both are possible here.” [National Journal]


15 Comments on The Peace Prize for John Kerry?

  1. Jon Effing Kerry is a phony-baloney, elitist, ass-kissing, metrosexual gigolo, not-too-swift-Boat, medal-tossing, flip-flopping, self-absorbed, Botox junkie, future glue-stick, precognitive meteorologist, Easter Island fashion model, with Churchill Downs syndrome who couldn’t find his ass with a map and a flashlight.
    And what @evensteven said.

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