gofundme just formally joined the Left – IOTW Report

gofundme just formally joined the Left

MoeLane: Plan your fundraising activities accordingly, because while GoFundMe might want you to give them some of your filthy conservative money, they certainly don’t want you doing anything that would hurt the Left. By the way: I’m not surprised that this happened. I’m actually a little surprised that the corporation lasted this long:

GoFundMe’s old policy on crowdfunding may not have been enough to justify its decision last weekend to kill campaigns on behalf of a Christian-owned florist and bakery — but its new policy is.

The website quietly expanded its list of banned crowdfunding activities this week shortly after The Washington Times questioned GoFundMe’s reliance on its policy against campaigns in defense of “formal charges of heinous crimes” to pull fundraisers for Arlene’s Flowers and for Sweet Cakes by Melissa.  MORE

10 Comments on gofundme just formally joined the Left

  1. GoFundMe may have just GoF’d themselves. Apparently on GFM’s eyes being a Christian and following a Christian lifestyle is a heinous crime.

    I think I saw something on Samaritan’s Purse//Franklin Graham where they have taken up the Christian causes booted by GFM.

  2. Buh-bye, GoFundMe. You just lost 90% of the people that actually donate money – Conservatives. Good luck with trying to squeeze money out of the leftist freaks. They don’t give their own money. They only give other people’s money. I’ll wager that GoFundMe goes out of business within a year.

  3. Arlene did get the money, $173,000, that was raised prior to being kicked off GFM.
    The Klein’s, Sweet Cakes by Melissa, were helped by FrankLin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse after being kicked off GFM.
    Samaritan’s Purse now has a Persecuted US Christians campaign to collect money.

  4. Why not sue GOFUNDME for discrimination? I’m sure that an interpretation of their newest policy could be used to win a big settlement Then maybe they would have to GO FUND THEMSELVES.

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