Mountain Doo – IOTW Report

Mountain Doo

WaPoo: There’s something in the air on Aspen’s Smuggler Mountain.

It’s dog poop. The smell of dog poop.

People like to bring their dogs to Smuggler and their dogs like to poop, which is fine. Poop happens. But what’s not happening is the scooping of said-poop.

Here are the details from the Aspen Times, which has been at the forefront of this poop mountain coverage: Last month volunteers scooped up 600 pounds — yes 600 pounds – of dog poop from a mountain trail. Now rangers have had to mark off another 50 or so piles with pink flags. more


7 Comments on Mountain Doo

  1. Let’s stop calling it “poop” or “poo” or whatever cutesy name makes it sound so much nicer than just plain old dog shit. If we can start there then maybe leaving dog shit all over the place (yes, people leave the dog shit, dogs don’t) will give dog owners (not “doggy mommies and daddies”) a greater sense of urgency in dealing with the problem.

  2. Lefties think their sh!t don’t stink, so it stands to reason, why would their dogs’ stink?

    Typical of the “Do as we say and not as we do,” crowd. Or, in this case, not as we “do-do”.

  3. Isn’t dog shit biodegradable?

    Can’t they use it in Moose’s school lunch program?

    Can’t they use it for liberal’s brain transplants?

    Put a stamp on it and call it “ObolaCare” Legislation?

    Put a sign on it which reads “Deep Thoughts by Nancy Pelosi?”

    Call it “Civil Unrest in Baltimore?”

  4. Here is a surefire way to solve the problem of dog shit and dog shit regulations…

    – Dog shit bags with 0bama’s face printed on one side of the bag. The other side would have a postage-paid bar code and an address:

    Barack Hussein 0bama
    1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
    Washington, DC 20500

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