Dershowitz wants honorary Israeli citizenship to counter BDS – IOTW Report

Dershowitz wants honorary Israeli citizenship to counter BDS

“I think the good answer to the BDS movement is to institutionalize what Evgeny  Kissin did,” Dershowitz told The Jerusalem Post in an exclusive interview.

Kissin, a world-renowned classical pianist, became an Israeli citizen in 2013 to stymie countries and organizations that sought to boycott Israel.



5 Comments on Dershowitz wants honorary Israeli citizenship to counter BDS

  1. Why does the only Judeo-Christian nation in all of human history – whose immense power for good authenticates its creation and status – sit on its hands while anti-Semitic (BDS) forces condemn Israel?

    Answer: Because America’s present POTUS – Barack Hussein Obama – firmly believes and dedicatedly penned in his own book Audacity of Hope, “Should the political winds blow in an ugly direction I will stand with the Muslims.”

    What the fuck do American citizens not understand about WHY Obama secretly emails the Ayatollah while openly condemning Netanyahu, WHY he threatens to shoot down Israeli jets if they jeopardize Iran, and WHY he cuts back weapons to Israel while lifting sanctions on Tehran and allowing them thousands of centrifuges to obtain nuclear power?

    Answer: Because the political winds are now blowing ugly, and the president is living his true convictions – he is NOT standing with Israel, he is NOT standing with Christians, and he is NOT standing with America – he is standing with whom he promised to stand by – Islam.

  2. @BDS – I thought t first it was Bush Derangement Syndrome – but it might as well be, they’re definitely related to an infectious form of the Liberal Derangement Virus (LDV) that has nearly wiped out America’s institutions of higher learning and the courts..

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