Gulf States Demand New Weapons Systems From US – IOTW Report

Gulf States Demand New Weapons Systems From US

Obama prancing down stairs of AF1

In Exchange for Support on Iran Deal.

FOX: Leading Persian Gulf states want major new weapons systems and security guarantees from the White House in exchange for backing a nuclear agreement with Iran, according to U.S. and Arab officials.

The leaders of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, plan to use a high-stakes meeting with President Obama later this month to request additional fighter jets, missile batteries and surveillance equipment.  MORE


6 Comments on Gulf States Demand New Weapons Systems From US

  1. Receiving “security guarantees” from this White House is a lot like receiving a kiss of death from the mafia, something to be avoided at all costs.

  2. If “gulf states” means Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas them I’m all for it. I fear an attack from the North and Northeast.

    Iran deal? I’d say “yes” but with fingers crossed.

  3. There was, and is, no “deal” with Iran and the neighboring ragheads aren’t falling for Obola/Kerry’s shit like the American media and Congress.
    They know it’s a play for time, and nothing more.
    They know what Obola is and who Jarrett is.
    They know we’re using the moslem brotherhood and isis to destabilize Syria and Jordan.
    They know that Iraq has already been surrendered.
    They know the shit is coming their way.

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