NYU student busted for trying to sneak into North Korea – IOTW Report

NYU student busted for trying to sneak into North Korea


A New York University student has a scary way to spend a semester abroad — he’s locked up in a North Korean jail.

Won Moon Joo, 21, was arrested April 22 on charges of illegally entering North Korea by crossing the Yalu River from Dandong, China, the Korean Central News Agency said.

Joo, of Tenafly, NJ, is “under investigation by a competent institution” of the North Korean government, the KCNA report said.

News reports say Joo holds a US green card. His nationality is unclear.

Records show that Won Moon Joo graduated from Tenafly HS in 2011, where he was a track star and won an award for his performance in math competitions.


9 Comments on NYU student busted for trying to sneak into North Korea

  1. From another article….”The South Korean national, who has been living in New Jersey with a U.S. green card, allegedly confessed to violating North Korean law, the state-run media claimed. He is still being questioned.”

    I can see it now. Some Regressive NYU professor telling his young brains full of regressive BS that South Korea and the US (mainly conservatives) have been lying for years about how the peaceful country of North Korea treats its people.

    Young Won Moon hears other students (those with common sense) laugh at such nonsense from the Professor. Young decides he will enter North Korea and take photos and talk to the people to prove his professor is right and stick it right back at those who mocked the professor.

    Young is caught and thrown in jail where he learns first hand how wrong his professor has been and pays the price for drinking the kool-aid known as regressive ideaology. Of course I am probably wrong about this, but I still can see this happening in real life. Like idiots trying to join ISIS.

  2. Oh no. Now Greta is going to have “Breaking News” alerts every 5 minutes until he’s released. Bring in all his friends and family and talk it to death.

    And, oh, my favorite. Greta: “How do you think he feels now that he is being tortured by his captors? Give me all the gruesome details.”

    I know, I know. She helped bring the marine out of Mexico. I still hate her style. She’s an attention seeking gory hound.

  3. If I ever get out of here

    I’m going to Won Moon Joo

    I got nuffin gainst the Jersey State

    every time I been there

    it’s been great

    now I’m leavin and

    I cain’t be late

    I’m going to Won Moon Joo!

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