Hey @CSteven – are we going to a World Series Game?

Check out what a #NeverTrumper said to …

@Mr_Pinko back in April. HERE

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12 Comments on CONGRATULATIONS Chicago Cubs!

  1. Somehow, someway the jerk in the WH will try and find someway to take credit for the Cubbies being in the World Series for the 1st time since 1945. and it wouldn’t surprise me if hellary doesn’t try it also. GO CUBS! it should be a good WS amongst a couple of good teams who have been perennial losers in both leagues but my money is on The Cubs and trump as well.

  2. What’s even better yet is the last time the Cleveland Indians won the World Series was in 1948 when Truman defeated Dewey, so maybe just maybe this could be another sign that Trump could (and should) be the next President. Let’s hope so and if I were the Cubs I would watch out for the Indians just because. And I want the Cubs to win.

  3. Good for the Cubs. I personally have ZERO interest in sports. It is my opinion that the MLB, NFL, NHL & NBA have dumbed down entire generations of men. If the average male spent less time obsessing over the ‘stats’ of athletes and more time on things that actually MATTER we might actually have a chance of saving our Republic. But hey check out my ‘fantasy football’ picks guys! Ugh… ridiculous.

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