SYMBOLIC LIVE TV – the state of the DNC comes crashing down. VIDEO – IOTW Report

SYMBOLIC LIVE TV – the state of the DNC comes crashing down. VIDEO

SYMBOLIC LIVE TV – the state of the DNC comes crashing down. VIDEO

VIDEO: American flag collapses as DNC leader mentions Hillary Clinton on LIVE TV.


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14 Comments on SYMBOLIC LIVE TV – the state of the DNC comes crashing down. VIDEO

  1. As heard verbatim on msNBC today about the GA election last night.

    Ossoff: “But let me tell you this, there is no doubt, that this is already a Victory for the Ages”.

    This is Winning… Leftard Style.

  2. The only true Democrats left are 70yrs old or older.
    The Dem-Party is now Liberals, Regressives and Socialists.
    There is no common ground between any of them.
    And nobody has common ground with illegal-immigrated.
    Good-bye Democrat Party.

  3. Betsy Ross just shivered in her grave. Note how haphazardly those flags were displayed. As if someone hung them as an afterthought.
    The progs don’t like the American Flag so they may as well stop pretending.

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