SIGN the PETITION – Senator Al Franken – RESIGN IMMEDIATELY! – IOTW Report


Here’s the petition – SIGN and FORWARD

Official White House .Gov Petition

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13 Comments on SIGN the PETITION – Senator Al Franken – RESIGN IMMEDIATELY!

  1. Is anyone surprised by any of this? Franken’s entire political “career” has been one long SNL skit without the funny, and I mean it. I’m sure he’s been reassured by his colleagues that, like so many before him, he can easily beat this rap.

  2. If Bill Clinton can rape women and get away with it and B. Hussein Obola can have his homosexual liaisons killed with impunity, then why can’t Franken get a pass on copping a feel?

    I mean, it’s only fair …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I can’t stand the guy and did not vote for him. Here is my problem, if he resigns our dopy Gov. gets to pick his replacement. My bet will be on him picking Keith Ellison. While Al is a joke and makes the state of Minne-so-cold look worse than it is, I do not want to give this mohammedan a vote at the national level.

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