U.S.&Eh?! Show going LIVE TONIGHT at 9:00PM est with Mike Nordstrom & @Mr_Pinko – IOTW Report

U.S.&Eh?! Show going LIVE TONIGHT at 9:00PM est with Mike Nordstrom & @Mr_Pinko

Political Talk Radio Call in # 323 870-3371 with @Mr_Pinko and Mike Nordstrom

Political Talk Radio Call in # 323 870-3371


U.S.&Eh?! Show going LIVE TONIGHT at 9:00PM est with Mike Nordstrom & @Mr_Pinko

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4 Comments on U.S.&Eh?! Show going LIVE TONIGHT at 9:00PM est with Mike Nordstrom & @Mr_Pinko

  1. I am listening but can’t call tonight because it is bedtime for hubby & kids already at my house and my voice is too damned loud.
    I wish I could call, I was in a medical waiting room on Friday when that loathsome The View show was on and it was sickening!

  2. Thanks for the shout out! I love you guys too!
    I don’t have guests, though, LOL, it’s the people who live here and who are not me who go to bed early. My kids are still little and hubby gets up at 5am every day for work.

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