LIVE Tonight 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST @MikeNordstrom3 and @Mr_Pinko – IOTW Report

LIVE Tonight 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST @MikeNordstrom3 and @Mr_Pinko

CALL IN #(323) 870-3371


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19 Comments on LIVE Tonight 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST @MikeNordstrom3 and @Mr_Pinko

  1. Mr. Pinko’s mind:
    Left: Trump is Hitler!
    Hitler: Disarm the public.
    Left: Outlaw guns!

    So true…Emotions and agenda is the leftist mindset. And they don’t mix with common sense and logic.

  2. “Meerkat You have never had good Dim Sum”, then what you talk about is not traditional Dim Sum. That is what I have been presented over twenty years in probably over 20 resteraunts. You may have been presented something else as “Dim Sum”

  3. Hard to imagine many really good Chinese restaurants east of the Rockies, any more than there being really authentic Italian on the west coast. The Northwest is part of the Ring of Fire and dim sum is so ubiquitous we were eating it long before it made its appearance in popular culture. When it’s done well, it is memorable for all the right reasons.

    If you’re ever out our way, Meerkat, we’d love to treat you to a good dim sum. 🙂

    (Except congee. I don’t like congee.)

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